People Judge You Based on These Little Things

The way you interact with a waitress.

Your shoes.

Using conversational crutches like “so” or “anyway.”

What do little things like these tell the world about you?

A lot, apparently! Right or wrong, our brains are hardwired to make sense out of situations. As a result, we make all kinds of snap judgments about strangers – ranging from political affiliation to emotional stability – based on seemingly insignificant things.

Oh yes, people are judging you every day. If you want those appraisals to be favorable, pay attention to these details:

The Way You Treat Waitresses, Receptionists and Other Service Personnel

If you meet someone new for lunch, they’ll obviously judge you based on how you treat them. But make no mistake: If you’re rude to the person who takes your order, it’ll quickly erase any goodwill you’ve built with your new acquaintance. How you interact with support staff is surprisingly indicative of your personality, because it gives others a sense for how you treat people in general. So be nice and polite to everyone you encounter.

How Long It Takes You to Ask a Question

Ever come away from a conversation with someone you just met knowing a TON about them – and then realize that they know absolutely nothing about you? More than likely, it’s because they spent the entire time talking about themselves.

People who prattle on endlessly about themselves tend to be self-absorbed and loud. Not interested in making that kind of first impression? Then strike a healthy balance of give-and-take when meeting someone new. You’ll come across as an interesting person who’s attentive and a good conversationalist.

Your Shoes

In a University of Kansas study, researchers found that people were able to correctly judge a stranger’s age, income, political affiliation and more all by looking at the type and quality of their shoes. While it’s unsurprising that study participants accurately guessed gender and age based on shoes, it’s worth noting that they also made accurate assessments about attachment anxiety, agreeableness and political leanings based on footwear. Shoes – who knew?

The Way You Converse

Undisciplined language and seemingly innocuous comments can easily be misinterpreted – and forever impact another’s perception of you. Want to keep your foot out of your mouth? Check out this earlier post, “Words and Phrases Smart People Never Use in Conversation,” which includes tips for preventing misunderstandings, demonstrating your EQ and making a great first impression.

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