Off-Hours: Hobbies of Highly Successful People

All work and no play?

It makes Jack a dull boy. And it zaps creativity, focus and performance on the job.

The most successful people in the world knows there’s more to life than eat-sleep-work:

  • Oprah Winfrey enjoys photography.
  • Elon Musk plays video games.
  • Richard Branson is passionate about yachting and hot-air ballooning.

While each of these high performers puts in long hours on the job, they also enjoy downtime pursuing hobbies and interests outside work. They realize that the way they spend their free time – during evenings, weekends and vacations – has a huge impact on their personal fulfillment as well as their career trajectory.

So…how are you spending your free time?

If you want to be more successful at work, be intentional about what you do when you’re not there. Put down the remote and take up one of these hobbies of incredibly successful people:

Work out. Exercising regularly is one of the best things you can do to improve your attitude, confidence, resilience and stamina – all of which prime you to perform at your peak.

Who’s want to sweat? Barack and Michelle Obama are proud gym enthusiasts, and these leading CEOs even do yoga with their employees.

Paint or color. Painting and other artistic pursuits have real work-related benefits that extend far beyond pure enjoyment and creation. Research suggests coloring has the potential to reduce anxiety, promote mindfulness and even help you organize your thoughts. Another study found that creating visual art can improve connections in the brain known as the “default mode network,” which is involved in focusing on internal thoughts and planning.

Who’s want to pencils and brushes? According to her husband, Kate Middleton, Duchess not there, enjoys coloring as a hobby; former US President George W. Bush is a prolific painter of landscapes and puppies.

Spend Time in Nature

Want to do better work? Stop breathing air-conditioned air and idling in a chair. Ambitious people connect with nature and the outdoors; they understand how activities like hiking, skiing and climbing restore their energy, creativity, focus and more.

Who’s an avid outdoorsman? Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey reports dedicating his Saturdays to hiking.

Take Classes

Whether you take a workshop, class or pursue a certification, continual learning builds your skills, enhances your promotability and makes you a more interesting person.

Who’s hitting the books? After achieving childhood fame, actress Emma Watson chose to pursue higher education at Brown University.

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Posted by Exact Staff

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