Make Every Morning Great! Adopt These Habits of Successful People

It’s cold. It’s raining. You’re tired. And in 45 minutes, you’re headed into another day of that firestorm/3-ring-circus you call work.

The question is:

Is it going to be a great morning or a fantastic one?

That’s not a misprint; it’s an example of choosing a positive outlook to improve your experience – and it’s just one of the tricks successful people have mastered to make every morning exceptional. If you want to get off to a great start each day, adopt these habits:

Discipline your thinking.

If you expect to have a rotten morning, guess what? You will. But if you expect to have a wonderful morning – despite any challenges work throws your way – guess what? You will! Disciplining yourself to adopt a positive attitude, even in the face of adversity, helps you insulate your mood from what happens around you. It’s not just a saying; attitude IS everything.

Eat well.

Research has shown that consuming the right foods can improve brain power by as much as 20 percent. In this earlier post, we share 4 power foods you should eat in the morning to kickstart your day and supercharge your productivity.

Get moving.

Successful people understand the vital link between exercise and work performance, and research proves there’s a relationship between physical activity and improved cognitive and executive functioning. If you want to be a better leader, manager and person, exercise before starting your workday.

Wake up earlier.

Whether you use the time to share a conversation with a loved one, meditate, cook a nutritious breakfast, plan your day or grab a workout, an extra 30 minutes can dramatically improve your morning routine. Just be careful not to short-change your sleep; every great morning starts with a great night’s sleep.

Practice gratitude.

Gratitude is antithetical to anxiety, anger and fear. And you don’t have to be Tony Robbins or a yogi to realize the benefits of this practice; you just need to take a few moments to reflect:

  • Start a gratitude journal. Each morning, write down one thing for which you’re thankful.
  • Make the first email you send each morning a positive one, thanking a friend, relative or coworker for a kindness.
  • Take a gratitude walk. Get outside (even if it’s just for 5 minutes) and observe what’s around you: the sights, scents and sounds, and even the feel of the wind, snow or rain on your face. Be present in the moment, breathe and give thanks for the promise another day holds.

Make every workday great – with the right staffing support.

Exact Staff delivers exceptional talent and innovative strategies to meet your local or national requirements. Whether it’s a single temporary for a day or an entire project team, we provide a range of staffing and placement solutions to increase productivity and performance – and make every day great.

What can we do for you? Contact a staffing expert at your local Exact Staff office today.

Posted by Exact Staff

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