Things That Make Great Leaders Unforgettable

Think back over your career to this point.

What boss or manager made the biggest impact on you – and why?

Maybe they were an amazing coach. Perhaps they brought out great qualities in you that you didn’t realize you had. And maybe you just found them to be incredibly inspirational. Regardless of the specific reason this person made such an impact on you, you’ll always remember them.

What Makes Certain Leaders Unforgettable?

Today, Exact Staff shares management qualities that sets some bosses head-and-shoulders above the rest:

They Make A Great First Impression

Instead of using introductions to promote their status, experience, knowledge or accomplishments, an unforgettable boss focuses their attention on the people they’re meeting. By showing that they value others’ opinions, care about their interests, and want to support their success, great bosses instill trust and make a fantastic initial impression on those they meet.

They Share Their Passion

A boss who is bored with their job, their company or their life? They aren’t likely to make a lasting impact on you (let alone on their organization). Unforgettable leaders are passionate about what they do. They have a strong conviction about what they want to accomplish. They share their enthusiasm. And they make everyone in their charge want to come along for the ride.

They Change People for the Better

Great leaders see the hidden potential in their employees – and know how to help them realize it. Over time, the best bosses help team members to acknowledge, embrace and develop great qualities in themselves, and create meaningful, lasting improvements.

They Lead by Example

Traditional “top-down” management styles are going by the wayside because they’re proving less effective with younger generations entering the workforce. Today’s unforgettable leaders don’t rely on mandating and controlling. Instead, they emulate the behaviors and qualities they want to see in their employees – and they’re willing to roll up their sleeves to help get a job done.

They’re Human – and Unafraid to Show It

People work with people, and being occasionally vulnerable makes a leader more relatable, approachable and genuine. Showing vulnerability is a humanizing way to break down barriers and build relationships. It isn’t a sign of weakness, but a memorable way for leaders to show employees that they’re needed and that their help is valued.

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Whether you’re up against a pressing deadline, tackling a critical initiative or growing your core team, Exact Staff’s national network of offices can connect you with unforgettable talent to strengthen your organization. Improve performance. And achieve more in 2018.

What can we do for you? Contact a staffing expert at your local Exact Staff office today!

Posted by Exact Staff

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