Reconnecting With Your Why: Looking Back on 2023 Goals to Motivate Yourself for the Rest of the Year

How are your goals for 2023 working out for you so far this year? If you find yourself lacking motivation, you are not alone. It is challenging to remain focused on our goals and have the motivation to achieve them. Maybe you feel you do not deserve success or lack confidence. Perhaps you lack a flexible plan or give up after you hit an obstacle.

Goals fail because we need a strong reason why we want to achieve the goal. It may be time to rejoin your why. Your why is your purpose, cause or belief that drives you. It enables you to connect with the world and gives you a powerful reason to reach your destination. Without a why, you lack the determination required to achieve things. Reconnect with your why, which can motivate you to achieve your 2023 goals. Here are some tips.

Keep Asking Why Until You Hit a Value

As you ask yourself why you want something or why it is crucial, keep an eye on your emotions. If you notice a lump in your throat or a pause in your voice, get curious as to why. Feelings can help get you to act and stay engaged.

Create a Vision

Now you know the value of a particular goal. Consider what it is about the value that has meaning to you. What will it be like to achieve the goal? It is essential to understand what accomplishing the goal will feel like. Awareness of the end state is a substantial motivating factor for achieving goals. Capture this vision and return to it when things get tough.

Change Course?

Now you have a strong why and a clear vision of it. But you can change your course if you wish to. It is common to set goals and then refuse to bend our rules. Although rigid rules might work for some dedicated folks, most will give up. Unfortunately, strict rules can lead you away from your original why.

To ensure you stick to your why, plan check-ins with yourself. Ask yourself whether you still pursue the right goal or remain committed to your purpose.

Acknowledge Your Achievements

You are sticking to your challenging and meaningful goals. Now be sure to enjoy the journey. Be sure to include benchmarks and rewards as part of your plan. Make the rewards activities or motivating gifts and make you pause for reflection on what you are learning and where you are going.

If a new job is in your plan for 2023, let the professional recruiters at Exact Staff help you find it!

Posted by Exact Staff

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