Leave 2014 in the Past and Make 2015 Your Breakout Year

Find a better job.

Get that raise.

Start a new career.

Made a career New Year’s resolution like one of these? Congratulations! You’ve taken the first step toward improving your future.

To maximize your chances of success, start with a clean slate. Use these suggestions from Exact Staff to put the past behind you, so you can gear up for a successful 2015:

Forgive yourself.

Everybody makes mistakes! If you were fired from your job, lacked motivation in your job search, or made a big blunder at work in 2014, beating yourself up about it won’t change the facts. So let yourself off the hook – and let go of negative thoughts that undermine your confidence and motivation.

Learn from your mistakes.

Apply an “every cloud has a silver lining” mentality to your career, using a past slip-up as a learning tool. What would you do differently if you had the chance? What beneficial lesson could you take away from a negative experience at work? Instead of focusing on the mistake itself, focus on how you can grow from it (and vow not to let it happen again).

Focus on your assets.

Despite what may have happened in the past, you have marketable skills, experience and a unique personality to offer a potential employer. Make a list of what you like about yourself, as well as your prior accomplishments. Use these positives as a foundation for sprucing up your resume and your mindset for the future.

Visualize success.

One of the best ways to succeed at something is by creating a mental picture of yourself achieving your goal. Imagine the specific steps you have to take to get there – and write them down. Here’s an example:
If you want a raise, picture yourself taking more responsibility at work. Detail five ways you could show more initiative or exceed expectations, and then visualize yourself doing each. By creating a mental image of success, you’re more likely to transform your goal into reality.

Another great way to make 2015 your breakout year?

Make Exact Staff your career partner. Whether you want to improve your work situation, explore a new career or land a job with your target employer, we can help. Search for jobs in your area or contact an Exact Staff recruiter to get started.

Posted by Exact Staff

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