Leadership Skills Every Employer Looks For (With Examples)

Leadership Skills are essential for managers and anyone else within the organization who can benefit from strong leadership. It is leadership skills that enable individuals at all organizational levels to be in a position to have a positive impact.

Leadership skills help you develop plans, support a common goal, get the right people involved in a project, and see plans through from start to finish. Your leadership skills help colleagues, departments, teams, and organizations meet their goals.

Employers understandably place a high value on leadership skills. If you are in the job market, highlighting leadership skills on your resume will get the attention of hiring managers. So here are some leadership skills that practically every employer values.


Effective verbal and written communication are an expectation within any organization. If you are seeking a leadership position, these skills are crucial. Leadership requires communication with employees and teams regarding goals, objectives, expectations, and resources available. Leadership skills examples include:

  • Presenting
  • Awareness
  • Public speaking
  • Excellent written communication


The best leaders understand how to delegate effectively. Delegation is essential when managing projects, teams, and people to ensure timely tasks and duties. Proper delegation helps you not to overload your schedule. It demonstrates to your team that you trust them to accomplish tasks. The skills for delegation include:

  • Scheduling
  • Strategic thinking
  • Forecasting
  • Organization
  • Excellent written and verbal communication
  • Attention to detail
  • Self-awareness

Skillful delegation involves knowing your employees and their strengths and weaknesses so you can delegate tasks accordingly. Delegating also allows you to assign tasks without micromanaging employees.

Problem Solving

With leadership comes projects close to budget, tasks pushing up against deadlines, and unhappy customers or clients. In these situations, effective leaders can roll with the punches and do what is needed to solve the problem for the best possible outcome. Examples of problem-solving leadership include:

  • Creativity
  • Research
  • Critical thinking
  • Flexibility
  • Adaptability
  • Analytical thinking

Conflict Resolution

Conflict is a normal part of life. However, the skill to resolve conflict is something that often does not come easy. Regardless, understanding how to manage, fix, and work through conflict effectively is a requirement for leadership. The conflict left unresolved undermines productivity while killing employee morale. The ability to resolve conflict is a key skill for leadership. Conflict resolution leadership examples include the following:

  • Mediation
  • Teamwork
  • Collaboration
  • Emotional intelligence
  • Active listening
  • Patience
  • Professionalism

Integrity and Trust

Trust is essential for gaining the respect of employers and employees. Trust is also crucial for effective leadership. When people trust you, they will also trust your ideas and decisions. You gain trust with integrity, honesty, and humility. It is about doing the right thing and having strong personal ethics.

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Posted by xact support

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