Keep Your Team Motivated and Productive During the Holidays

Take a look around your office. Are your employees:

  • Making a final push to hit year-end targets…or spending too much time shopping online at Target?
  • Planning for a great 2019…or just planning their family gatherings?
  • Working industriously…or as distracted as Buddy the Elf?

It’s the holidays. House guests, unfinished shopping, parties and pending vacations can derail your employees’ focus and productivity – during whatmay be your busiest time of the year.

As a manager, it’s your responsibility to help keep your team motivated and productive this holiday season. Use these tips to make it truly “the most wonderful time of the year” in your organization – without being a scrooge:

Get Organized

If the holidays aretypically your busy season, organize vacation and time-off requests ahead oftime – to ensure you can honor requests and still get your work done.

Set a Good Example

Part of being agood manager is leading by example – even during the holidays! If you’retempted to come in late or do a little gift shopping at work, remember thatemployees take their cues from you. Make sure you follow the good advice yougive them:

  • Stay focused on hitting your goals and keep your productivity bar set high.
  • Take good care of your physical and mental health.
  • Balance work priorities with fun and family time.
  • Take a little extra time to express thanks to everyone who contributes to your team’s success.

Beat Stress Before it Beats Down Your Team

If things get crazy in your company at year’s end, proactively foster apositive, fun work environment to nip performance issues in the bud:

  • Deck the halls with some festive décor.
  • Motivate with vibrant music.
  • Have an ugly holiday sweater contest.
  • Create a work tradition of exchanging small gifts or hosting a cookie swap.
  • Take 5-minute “fun” breaks to re-focus and recharge employees – especially when work is stressful.

Savor Slow Days

If you experience a slow-down at to work, use it to your motivational advantage. Allow staff to knock off a little early to do last-minute shopping or spend a little extra time with family. Giving a little time off when it’s slow makes employees more likely to work harder – and stay a little longer – when things do get busy.

Ask What Kind of Carrot to Dangle

Not entirely sure what will really motivate your team this season? Stopsecond-guessing yourself. Just ask them! And then implement what you can. Your employees will appreciate the gesture and wantto perform their best for you.

Looking to keep y our work teams working at their peak this holiday season?

Provide the support they need! Your staffers work hard all year long. Encourage them to take their unused vacation time, and contact Exact Staff to provide temporary support and ensure adequate coverage.

With a full complement of staffing and placement services, the Exact Family of Companies can help your team stay focused, happy and productive – and prime your organization for an amazingly successful New Year.

Posted by Exact Staff

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