Interview Questions Managers Ask to Assess Your Personality

You’ve checked off all the hiring manager’s boxes: job skills, work experience, salary requirements and more.

There’s just one big question left in their mind:

Do you have the right personality type to thrive in the job?

Savvy employers know that creating a successful match between a candidate and an opportunity takes more than the right technical skills and experience; it also takes the right soft skills. In fact, if an interviewer sees you as a better cultural fit, or someone with stronger growth potential than other applicants, it could tip the scales in your favor.

Use this as an opportunity for you to separate yourself from the crowd!

In your next interview, don’t be another me-too candidate who describes themselves as a “team player with excellent communication skills.” Skip the clichés, and prepare unique, memorable answers to these personality interview questions:

  1. Tell me about the accomplishment that you consider to be the most significant in your career. This conversation starter gives you an opportunity to describe your work habits and how you interact effectively with others.
  2. Tell me about a time when things didn’t go the way you wanted – like a promotion you didn’t get, or a project that didn’t turn out how you had hoped. A potential employer will want to know how you handle adversity on the job. Do you blame others, deride yourself, or view it as an opportunity for growth? If you’re asked this question, be careful not to point fingers. Focus your response on what you learned from a personal or professional setback.
  3. What’s the best way to manage you? This question reveals how well you understand the keys to your own success. Additionally, it helps the interviewer grasp the communication styles, rewards, amount of supervision, and leadership styles that appeal most to you (thereby gauging your potential fit within the company’s existing team). Give some thought to these factors before you head into an interview, so you can distinguish yourself as a great cultural match.
  4. What was the last new task or skill you learned? How did you go about that? Employers ask this question to see how you view your own professional development. Craft a response that emphasizes your curiosity and commitment to continual learning.
  5. What would your best friend say is the best part about being your friend? This personality question invites candor, and it gives the interview a glimpse of how you might mesh with current employees. Be honest and describe the qualities that make you a good person and friend.
  6. If you could meet any celebrity, who would it be and why? This question may sound trite, but your response reveals a great deal about your personality, values and interests. Choose a public figure whom you admire and describe the qualities that you’d like to emulate.

Need help refining your interview skills?

Contact an Exact Staff Career Agent. We can help you polish your conversational skills, plan responses to common questions, and prepare to knock your next interview out of the park.

And if you’re ready for a new opportunity to build your skills and advance your career, register with your local Exact Staff office today.

Posted by Exact Staff

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