Great Leadership Takes Courage – Here’s How to Build It

“I’m going to be an amazing leader, starting today.”

If only becoming a great boss or manager were as simple as making a declaration like this.

We all know that building effective leadership skills takes much more than uttering a single sentence. It takes passion. Commitment. Great decision-making and communication. And yes, courage.

While some may argue that you have to be born brave, we believe that courage, like other leadership essentials, is a skill that can be developed. And, while being a brave business leader may not require you to jump on a live grenade, building the courage to lead starts with overcoming four fears:

Fear of Failure

Fear of making a mistake may keep you out of the proverbial hot seat, but it dramatically limits your ability to grow as a leader. The next time you’re tempted to play it safe when you believe a calculated risk may serve you better, ask yourself this question: “What’s the worst that could happen?” You may find that your fear is more imagined than real, and that the likely rewards are far greater than the potential consequences of failure.

Fear of Success

People with the greatest capacity for leadership are often plagued with multiple fears that come with success: Now that I’ve reached my goal, what’s next? How will I sustain this level of achievement? What if my friends and colleagues begin to resent me for my success? When nagging doubts threaten your resolve, remember that fear of success is completely normal, but nothing to give into. View this fear for what it is – a guide rail to keep you motivated and headed in the right direction – and move ahead.

Fear of Not Knowing Everything

Courageous leaders are human and unafraid to show it. They realize that: nobody can be an expert at everything; success requires collaboration; and employees at all levels have great ideas to share. Showing vulnerability is a humanizing way to break down barriers and build relationships. It isn’t a sign of weakness, but a courageous way for you to show employees that they’re needed – and that their help is valued.

Fear of Not Being Liked

Everybody wants to be liked. Successful leaders, however, realize they must occasionally make unpopular decisions, and they put their desire for popularity aside when required. In this post, we share tips for becoming an inspirational leader people want to follow – even when you have to make unpopular choices.

Are these fears daunting? Yes, but anybody can overcome them! By consistently making small, courageous choices each day, you can push yourself outside your comfort zone – and into the realm of great leadership.

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Posted by Exact Staff

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