Important Tips to Remember When Preparing for a Job Interview

You’ve submitted your application, had a brief phone conversation, and landed yourself an interview. You’ve made it this far, but what’s next? Interviewing can often be intimidating, but by preparing yourself ahead of time, you’re setting yourself up to land the job of your dreams.

Here at Exact Staff, we have compiled a list of top tips to help you ace your next interview.

Company Research is Key.
Never go into an interview without knowing the background of a company. Know what they do, where their offices are located, and what your potential role will be within the organization. By doing your background research, you will be prepared to tell the employer how you are the perfect fit for the position.

Anticipate the Interviewer’s Questions.
It’s not always easy to know what you are going to be asked during an interview, but there are several common questions out there. The easiest way to go about this is search, “common interview questions” (or something similar) online and study the best answers to those questions. Just remember, don’t be too generic when it comes to answering these questions. This is where the company research will allow you to tailor your responses accordingly.

For example, some common questions include, “Tell me about yourself,” “Why are you interested in this position,” “What are your greatest strengths/weaknesses,” “Give an example of an accomplishment at work,” and so on.

Practice Makes Perfect.
You may have heard the saying, and it does ring true, especially when it comes to interviewing. Find someone you can trust to give you honest, helpful criticism, and role-play the interview. The more you practice, the more confident you will become in your responses. Write your questions and best answers on the front/back of flashcards. This way your practice interviewer can tell you what items you are missing from your ideal answers. Also, have your practice interviewer offer some questions that you didn’t prepare for. This will give you experience answering questions you weren’t expecting.

Prepare a Few Well Thought Out Questions.
Beyond answering a potential employer’s questions, an interview is the perfect time to ask critical questions about the organization. Yes everyone needs a job, but finding the perfect job that fits your personality and fits your wants and needs is essential for long term success as well as overall mental and physical health.

A few questions to bring to your next interview could be:

“How does this position fit the company’s short- and long-term goals?”

“How would you describe the overall company culture?”

“What could I do upon leaving to better prepare myself if hired?”

Additional Tips to Create a Positive, Lasting Impression

  • Don’t chew gum
  • Arrive roughly 15minutes before your interview
  • Bring multiple copies of your updated resume
  • Speak kindly to the receptionist (your interview starts as soon as you enter the parking lot)
  • Place your phone on silent or leave it in the car
  • When leaving THANK your interviewer for their time and follow up with a handwritten note within 24 hours

Remember, companies are looking for potential employees that have done their research and prepared for an interview. By speaking clearly and following these tips, you will leave with a great first impression.

For more information on interview preparation, Contact One of Our Recruiters Today! We are here to help YOU and want YOU to be successful. At Exact Staff there are no wrong questions when preparing with us for your next interview.

Posted by Exact Staff

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