Three Important Things Great Leaders Do Every Day

At Exact Staff, we’re continually searching for ways to improve the effectiveness of our organization’s leaders. And when we find great new ideas, we share them here!

Over the years, we’ve written dozens of posts to help you grow as a leader by:

In today’s leadership wisdom post, we’re sharing three more fundamentals from Mary Ann McLaughlin, Managing Partner with Butler Street.

After being flooded with advice and information while attending a three-day leadership conference, McLaughlin had an epiphany. While each of the speakers in the presentations she attended had a slightly different approach and message, she realized that leadership success boiled down to these three basic elements.

Clear, Written Goals

The most effective leaders use SMART goals to keep their sights on the future and aligned with their organization’s big picture. In this post, we review how you can create Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Time-based goals to achieve more.

Action Plans

Leadership success is the direct result of intentional decisions, choices and actions. Those who are most effective at leading others make every move in support of their overarching goals. They make plans, they follow through on their commitments, and they make adjustments – not excuses – when they miss the mark.

Disciplined Habits

What separates great leaders from wannabes? Disciplined leadership habits, even in the face of distractions, crises or triumphs. Successes and failures come and go. Opportunities and threats continually evolve. Markets, industries and economic conditions can change on a dime. Great leaders are consistent and disciplined in how they conduct themselves, no matter what the world throws their way.

Every leader has a unique approach, and each takes a different path to success. Regardless of their personality, background or management style, however, all leaders can become more successful with the right goals, action plans and habits.

Want to be a better leader – or hire better leaders for your team?

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A national staffing and recruiting partner like Exact Staff can improve your leadership effectiveness by delivering the exact staffing solutions you need – exactly when you need them. Ready to get started? Contact your local Exact Staff office today.

Posted by Exact Staff

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