Hypercritical of Yourself? How to Be More Accepting

“She’s so intelligent; I’ll never be as smart as her.”

“He’s so creative; why can’t I think that way?”

“She’s so disciplined; I wish I could exhibit that kind of control and perseverance.”

Are you great at finding amazing qualities in your colleagues, family and friends – but incredibly tough on yourself?

It’s human nature. According to The Happiness Trapp by Dr. Russ Harris, our minds have evolved to think negatively, and research shows that up to 80% of our thoughts contain some negative content.

Negative thinking may be human nature, but that doesn’t mean it’s inevitable – especially when it comes to how you view yourself. If you’re one of the millions of professionals who struggle with self-doubt and negative self-talk, here’s how to effectively manage those hypercritical thoughts and be more accepting of yourself:

Monitor Your Thoughts and Feelings

For one week, keep a journal of the negative thoughts that pop into your head. Recognizing mental sabotage is the first step to stopping it.

Interrupt the Cycle

When you have a critical thought or feeling about yourself, immediately ask: “Am I being reasonable?” Often, you’ll find that the answer is: “No.” Break your mental cycle of negativity by recalling your strengths and accomplishments.

Leave Failures Where They Belong

In the past! When you dwell on mistakes you’ve made, you prevent yourself from moving forward. Rather than repeating a phrase like: “I’m an idiot for leaving that important detail out of my presentation,” try one that allows you to learn and move on: “Everyone makes mistakes. I will improve my review process, to ensure I don’t make the same error again.”

Strive for Progress, not Perfection

You are a work in progress, so you shouldn’t expect to achieve instant success, 100% of the time. Setting unrealistic expectations only breeds negative thoughts! A better option? Strive for small, incremental, sustainable improvements. Praise yourself for taking baby steps toward your goals, and enjoy the journey (not just the destination).

Adopt the Habits of Happy People

Happiness isn’t automatic; it must be cultivated and actively pursued. In this earlier post, we share simple ways to make your life (and your perception of yourself) more positive – by modeling the behaviors of happy people.

Related Post: Prevent Negativity from Creeping Into Your Workplace

Promote Positive Self-Talk by Accomplishing More, Every Day

Checking off more “to dos” each day will put you in a more positive frame of mind. As a national employment agency, Exact Staff provides the support and solutions you need to:

  • Offload repetitive and low-level work that distracts you and your staff;
  • Improve focus, productivity and effectiveness;
  • Confidently tackle new or pressing projects.

Ready to accomplish more? Contact your local Exact Staff office today.



Posted by Exact Staff

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