With Spring Upon Us, How Will Your Workplace Stay Productive?

The weather is slowly becoming warmer, making employees’ minds wander to the outdoors. After a long winter, employees are ready to get outside and have some fun. Unfortunately, sometimes the warmer weather can decrease productivity. Our team at Exact Staff has compiled some tips on how to keep your workplace productive as spring continues.

  • Encourage Employees to take Breaks.
    This may seem counterproductive, but employees who go without breaks tend to burn out pretty quickly.  Managers should encourage their employees to take small breaks. For example, a 15-minute walk around the block can work wonders for an employee. Plus, they get the chance to go outside like they have wanted to all day. Taking some time away from tasks can help improve productivity.
  • Escape the Office for Meetings.
    Who says meetings always have to be in the conference room? Taking your meeting out of the office offers a change of scenery that can trigger creativity. Plus, it’s a nice change of pace from the daily routine.
  • Prioritize.
    Energy levels are typically at their peak when employees first get in, so managers should encourage employees to tackle the most important tasks on their to-do list then. First thing in the morning is the time when employees will be more likely to focus. Many of us deal with the afternoon slump; the time of day where energy levels decrease and it becomes increasingly difficult to focus. This is a good time of day to work on mindless tasks that don’t require full attention.
  • Establish Company Challenges.
    Friendly competition is a great way to spark the energy and drive in your employees. Set the bar high, but within reach, and encourage your employees to exceed expectations. Offering a prize to the employee who achieves the greatest success over the length of the competition is an excellent way to entice your staff. A $20 coffee gift card can go a long way if it will motivate your team to accelerate production levels.

Improving workplace productivity in the spring is a challenging task that we know you can tackle. For more tips on keeping your workforce engaged as spring approaches, browse our related workforce management articles. Looking to hire in quarter 2? Browse our listing of local offices, and contact our team of expert recruiters today!

Posted by Exact Staff

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