How to Better and More Effectively, Motivate Team Members With Different Backgrounds

Managing and motivating employees who represent different cultures can be exciting and challenging. Motivation is what drives performance. It is crucial for managers who want to encourage team members with diverse backgrounds to understand what stimulates the individual employee. The one-size-fits-all approach is useless when managing employees of varying ages and backgrounds. You must be careful to use techniques that consider the entire team.

Know Your Team

Unquestionably the most important step you can take to motivate team members with varying backgrounds is to take the time and get to know everyone on your team. Developing a close relationship with your team members allows you to supervise effectively while gaining insight into what drives employees to excel. Employees who believe you are working in their best interest are much more likely to exceed expectations.

Rewards and Recognition

Rewards and recognition are practical tools to inspire loyalty and performance in your organization regardless of the makeup of your workforce. If workers feel respected, they are likelier to stay with your company and work hard. Expect nothing if your employees feel neglected and undervalued. Simple items such as a certificate or gift card can brighten an employee’s day and make work feel worthwhile. Pay raises, bonuses, profit sharing, and stock options are excellent rewards and great motivational tools.

Create a Fun Work Atmosphere

Work can be fun. It can also increase motivation, improve optimism, reduce stress, and boost productivity. Unlike Google’s main campus in California, you do not need to install a bowling lane! Creating a fun environment does not take much. It can be as straightforward as sending funny, work-appropriate cartoons to employees to give them something to anticipate daily. No matter what you choose to do, keep games and activities simple, so they are entertaining and not exhausting.

Sponsor workplace outings for team building. Instead of segmenting employees into small groups emphasizing differences, unify your team using commonalities. Motivating employees based on common attributes help you enforce policy and reward them for reaching organizational goals.


It is imperative that you include all employees in the decision-making process. Consider conducting an employee survey to learn about your employees’ preferences regarding work style, feedback, and working conditions. You can analyze employee responses to determine what motivates and demotivates employees. When you solicit feedback, you appear in touch with the opinions of your team members. Carefully consider the various generations of employees that exist within your team. You will interact with and motivate a Generation X employee differently from a baby boomer or traditional worker.

If you need temporary employees or a direct-hire, contact Exact Staff for a staffing solution for your organization.

Posted by xact support

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