8 Things the Happiest People Do Every Day

Did you wake up this morning feeling positive? Grateful? Excited to get your day started?

No? Then let’s move that needle – on your happiness level, that is.

When it comes to your sense of wellbeing, you have a general baseline for how happy you are. This “happiness set-point,” as psychologists call it, is the result of genetics and conditioning, and it accounts for about half of your happiness level.

There’s not much you can do to change your happiness set-point; it’s an ingrained part of your personality. But don’t worry – even if you were born a Debbie Downer or Negative Ned, you still have tremendous control over how happy you feel each day.

So, onto the good part: Here are 8 things the happiest people do every single day. If you want to make your life more positive and satisfying, add these activities to your to do list:

Spend Time with Family and Friends

Lots and lots of time. Nurturing close personal relationships builds your sense of belonging and security.

Give Thanks

Reflecting on and expressing gratitude naturally creates a more positive outlook by focusing on what you have, not what you lack. Each day, take stock of what you’re thankful for – and get comfortable with expressing your gratitude to the people who make your life great.

Establish and Pursue Goals

While it’s important to be appreciative of what you have, happiness is also tied to actively pursuing greater achievement. You don’t have to commit to scaling Everest or making a million dollars; set and work toward things that are appropriate and meaningful for you.

Do Things You Naturally Do Well

Whether those things are tied to your paycheck or not, engaging in activities that play to your strengths makes you feel more fulfilled, competent, and yes – happy.

Make New Friends

We’re not talking about Facebook friends or LinkedIn connections. We’re talking about getting to know positive people in the real world. Happiness is contagious. If you want to be happier, do things with people who are upbeat, content and joyful.

Help Others

Altruistic behavior benefits the giver as much as the receiver. Whether you commit to regular volunteering or just perform random acts of kindness, doing something nice for someone else – without expecting anything in return –makes you feel amazing.

Exercise Regularly

C’mon, you knew this one was coming. The physical and psychological benefits of exercise are well documented. Find something you enjoy doing – walking, team sports, curling, weight training, skiing, cross fit, whatever floats your boat – and make it part of your weekly routine.

Prune Your Social Feeds

Ever wonder why bonsai are so beautiful and balanced? It’s the result of careful, regular pruning. If you feel jealous, frustrated or discontent after spending time on social media, selectively unfollow people or accounts that bring you down. Then, search for ones that you find inspirational and uplifting.

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Posted by Exact Staff

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