How to Get Employees to Accept Feedback

They get defensive.

They call in sick on performance review days.

They nod their heads and promise to change, but keep on doing the same things in the same way.

Let’s face it – some employees just don’t want your management advice or feedback. And if you share it, they’re not likely to take it to heart. Why are they so resistant? Sometimes it’s because of management mistakes like these:

  • Only providing negative feedback.
  • Criticizing behaviors or performance without sharing practical suggestions for improvement.
  • Sharing negative feedback in public.

But other times, the blame rests squarely on employees’ shoulders. When an employee resists or dodges you, how can you get him to accept your feedback? Use these tips from Exact Staff to make your employee less defensive and more receptive to changing his behavior:

Try taking a break from giving performance-related feedback.

If an employee is tuning you out, take a step back. Instead of commenting on his job performance, focus on how he actually processes the feedback you give him.

Explain the importance of accepting feedback.

Your employee may not actually realize that part of his job is to listen to constructive criticism – and then adjust his behavior accordingly. Make sure you “connect the dots” for him. Clearly explain the impact his resistance has on you, his work team, the organization and his own job security.

Stay neutral and open-minded.

Keep your demeanor calm and professional. Withhold judgment and interpretation until after you get his input. And most importantly, don’t tell your employee that he’s being defensive – it’ll only make him more defensive!

Be specific.

It’s tough to share negative feedback. But when you do, be sure to give specific examples to support the point you want to make. Instead of saying, “You’re not living up to your end of the deal,” say, “When you cross your arms and stare at the ground when I attempt to discuss an issue with you, it gives me the impression that you don’t care about your work. Can you help me understand this behavior better?”

Agree on a plan.

When you request a behavior change about how your employee handles feedback, be open to counter-offers. Once you agree on a goal, secure a commitment. Try saying something like, “The next time I have constructive feedback to offer and you have a different perspective, tell me that in our meeting. I’ll listen to your side, and together we’ll work out a plan. Does that work for you?”

Have some feedback for us?

At Exact Staff, we understand and appreciate the importance of constructive feedback in maintaining a productive business relationship. Please contact our national staffing service with your comments, questions or suggestions.


Posted by Exact Staff

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