Simple Ways to Generate Positive Energy in Your Organization

Here are a few facts about energy in the workplace:

  • All people, objects and spaces have energy.
  • That energy can be shared, increased or drained.
  • For people, energy naturally flows toward meaningful action – and can be increased through focused, fulfilling work.
  • Leaders have a huge impact on others’ energy. They can ignite and fuel it, or suck it out of employees.

Bearing these principles of workplace energy in mind, what can you do to generate more positive vibes in your company? Consider these options:

Employ the Listen – Care – Challenge Model of Leadership

In his Leadership Freak blog, Dan Rockwell shares this simple system to build positive energy in your team:

  • Listen to your employees. Ask questions to learn more about their concerns, needs, ideas and goals. Move beyond their complaints to reveal underlying aspirations and truly understand where they’re coming from.
  • Show employees you care. Respect their perspectives, challenges and aspirations by using phrases like “I see what you’re saying,” and “You seem excited about/troubled by this.”
  • Challenge employees. Encourage them to take action, solve their own problems and achieve more with questions like “What would you like to do about that?” and “What’s the next step?”

Clean and Organize Together

Like living things, objects and even entire buildings have energy vibrations. When you take proper care of those things and remove clutter, you welcome positive energy into your space. Plus, pulling together to improve your work environment increases feelings of camaraderie, which will improve the vibe.

Spring is here, and it’s the perfect time to gut those desks, purge computer files, repair equipment, deep-clean work areas and implement new organizational systems. Make sure the exercise is a positive one by:

  • Scheduling it. Set aside ample time for employees to get the job done.
  • Explaining the benefits. A healthier environment, more space and improved efficiency are just a few.
  • Making it fun. Allow your team to dress down. Provide lunch for them. And if it’s possible, turn on some music to keep enthusiasm high.

Banish Negative Vibes

In this earlier post, we share six smart ways to eliminate negative talk and other toxic behaviors that can ruin the vibe in your otherwise positive organization.

Hire Positive People

Helpful, confident and upbeat people lift up your entire team. Strive to systematically replace negative employees with realists and optimists. Look for individuals who display a positive attitude, respect others and are upbeat even in tough circumstances.

Want to Build More Positive Energy in Your Workplace?

Exact Staff’s recruiting experts will refer candidates with the personality traits and soft skills to help you build a dynamic, high-performing and positive work environment. Contact our national employment agency today to get started.

Posted by Exact Staff

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