Feeling Negative Vibes from Your Team? Consider These 6 Smart Fixes

“That’ll never work.”

“That’s not in my job description.”

“Nothing will ever change around here.”

Negative talk can really ruin the vibe in an otherwise positive organization. And pessimistic, hostile or downright toxic employees do more than just irritate your team. They can destroy your corporate culture. Undermine productivity and trust. And contribute to unnecessary turnover.

Enough is Enough

If you notice that negative patterns of talk or behavior are really taking hold in your workplace, confront the offenders. Use these simple ideas to turn their attitudes and actions around:

Address the Elephant in the Room

Gather your team and announce your intentions to foster a more positive corporate culture. Explain the impact toxic people have on your workplace, as well as the benefit of great attitudes, positive actions and supportive workplace relationships. Sometimes, putting offending employees on notice will immediately curb their behaviors with no further intervention required.

Be Direct

Call a negative employee into a private meeting to discuss their behaviors, as soon after an incident as possible. Use active listening and probing techniques to get to the root of their negative thoughts or actions. Then, very clearly explain why their behavior will not be tolerated, as well as the consequences if it continues.

Don’t Get Sucked In

Negativity is contagious and insidious. While it’s important to listen to employees’ complaints (so you can judge their merit and take appropriate actions), be careful not let their attitude dampen your optimism. If the individual you’re engaging is being stubborn, unreasonable or argumentative, don’t stoop to their level. Stay calm and point out areas of agreement to keep the conversation positive – or at least neutral.

Try Role-Playing

Help the employee to view the situation from other perspectives by pretending they’ve been asked to resolve the problem. Teach them how to understand the others’ viewpoints, appreciate differences and focus on solutions. By broadening their perspective and asking for their help in developing solutions, you effectively break the cycle of negativity.

Share Positivity Tools

Quite honestly, some people are negative simply because they don’t know how to act any other way. One remedy is to give these employees resources they can use to curb negative thinking and model positive behaviors. For example, share this earlier post: Happy People Have These Habits.

Hire Smarter

Sometimes you just have to cut bad apples loose. Strive to systematically replace negative employees with realists and optimists. Look for individuals who can engage in healthy conflict with a positive attitude, respect others and are upbeat even in tough circumstances.

Need More Positive Vibes in Your Workplace?

Exact Staff’s recruiting experts will refer candidates with the personality traits and soft skills to help you build a more positive work environment. Contact our national employment agency today to get started.

Posted by Exact Staff

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