Entertain Your Audience for Maximum Impact During a Meeting

Ever had to lead a dull meeting? Give a presentation on a dry topic? Teach your team something that’s important but incredibly boring?

Then you know how tough an audience can be.

By now you’ve probably heard that statistic from Microsoft saying that the average human attention span is shorter than a goldfish’s. Regardless of whether it’s true, one thing is certain:

If you can’t hold your audience members’ attention, you can’t influence, teach or lead them.

Do you have to be a fire-breather or contortionist to hold your attendees’ interest? No; but if you make an effort engage and entertain them, you’ll be much more successful in your endeavor.

So get ready to banish those blank stares. Say “so long” to attendees’ heavy sighs. With these three tips, you can transform any topic from boring to entertaining – and make a big impact on your audience:

Get Visual

You may be good looking. You may even have executive presence. But we live in a visual world, and we’re wired to understand images. Our brains process images 60,000 times faster than text, and we don’t even have the innate cognitive ability to process words.

So, if you want to capture – and hold – your audience’s attention, supplement your verbal presentation with visuals:

  • Don’t just paste words on a slide. Incorporate charts, diagrams, infographics, videos…you get the picture.
  • Use visual metaphors. Drive home a high-level concept by finding an image that parallels it.
  • Inject a little humor. Your topic may be dry, but that doesn’t mean your presentation has to be. Inserting a cartoon or funny image can break the monotony and is great for re-engaging a disconnected audience. And while it probably goes without saying, be sure to use humor in a way that’s appropriate for your audience.

Explain the Why

Why should I care? Why does it matter? Why am I even here? These are the questions your audience members are asking – especially if their attendance is required. To keep your listeners from automatically tuning you out, explain the “WIIFM” (what’s in it for me) at or near the beginning of the presentation.

Share Your Passion

“FOMO” (fear of missing out) is a big driver of curiosity and attention. If you want attendees to be interested in what you’re sharing, you have to convey your enthusiasm about the topic. And don’t try to fake it – it won’t work. Find an aspect of your presentation that’s truly meaningful to you and use it to spark your audience’s attention.

Have training to conduct? Need extra time to prepare a big presentation?

Exact Staff is here to help. We provide the right resources, exactly when you need them, to free-up your time for high priority work. To learn more about how we can help, schedule a free consultation today.

Posted by Exact Staff

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