How to Disrupt Your Industry

What do companies like Uber, Spotify and Dropbox have in common?

They’re three of the top companies whose innovations are revolutionizing the business landscape. These organizations aren’t just coming up with cool new products and services; they’re turning their respective industries on their heads.

How do they do it – and how can you accomplish the same? Here are five ways you can disrupt your industry and catapult your business to the top:

Don’t Believe the Hype

When it comes to industry disruptors, be careful not to limit your thinking based on widely held misconceptions. Here are three myths about startups and innovators:

  • If you’ve been in business awhile, you cannot remain disruptive. The truth? Well-established companies can still attract big sums of venture capital to fuel innovation.
  • Silicon Valley is where it’s at. The truth? Businesses in Boston, Chicago, New York City and around the globe attract notable investors and talent.
  • If you’re not a 20-something Ivy-Leaguer, you’ve missed the boat. The truth? You’re never too old to innovate. Top industry disruptors represent every demographic – from Gen Y through Baby Boomers.

Learn How to Say, “No”

While the mantra “the customer is always right” may drive loyalty, it often hampers innovation. To create something no one has seen before, you must focus on what your business is great at – and turn down the rest.

Be Predict-ive, not Predict-able

To turn an industry on its head, you need to lead the way and set the trends (not follow them). Pay attention to what customers say. Educate yourself outside your industry. Read influential business content to help you identify the next big opportunity for your company.

Connect the Dots

Innovations often spring from a combination of two things people love, want or need. Challenge your team to find the intersection between two great ideas – and create something that brings them together.

Assemble a Killer Team of Innovators

The single biggest competitive advantage your company has is its people. If you want to disrupt your industry, Exact Staff has the talented people – thinkers, doers, leaders – to shake things up. Ready to innovate? Contact our national recruiters today to discuss your requirements.


Posted by Exact Staff

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