How to Communicate More Effectively with Your Boss

You need to talk to your boss.

Does the proposition excite you, or make you break out in a cold sweat?

If you and your boss have vastly different communication styles, even the most mundane work conversations can be stressful. When you’re worried about how to phrase things properly, or how your boss will interpret what you say, it’s tough to relax, listen and communicate effectively.

Boost your confidence and your skills with these four communication tips from Exact Staff:

Adapt your communication to your boss’ natural style.

In a recent article, Mark Murphy describes the following four communication styles:

  • Analytic. Likes to communicate with facts, data and specific language.
  • Intuitive. Wants to cut right to the chase and get a clear understanding of the big picture before discussing details.
  • Functional. Prefers to communicate in a step-by-step fashion, using processes, timelines and well-thought-out plans.
  • Personal. Values emotional language and wants to know how people feel (not just what they think).

Determine which category your boss falls into, and then try to provide information in a way that resonates with him. For example, if he’s a functional communicator, plan your conversations as much as possible. Provide the detail and logic he craves to ensure that conversations go smoothly.

Be an active listener.

When speaking with your boss, it’s natural to worry about what you’re going to say next. Instead of planning your next move in the conversation, try to stay in the moment as much as possible. Pay close attention to what your boss says, and take good notes (either mental or written). Ask relevant questions and paraphrase him to ensure full understanding.

Don’t get too emotional.

Even if your boss is a “personal communicator,” keep your emotions in check when engaging in work conversations. If you’re angry, anxious, frustrated or upset about something, take a 10-count before approaching your boss. Wait until you’re clear-headed and calm enough to discuss the issue professionally.

Recognize the importance of nonverbal communication.

Your nonverbal cues can impact a conversation with your boss as much as, or even more than, what you say. Make sure you pay attention to the following aspects when speaking with your manager:

  • Posture. If you tend to slouch or fold your arms across your chest, be aware of the negative ways in which these signals can be interpreted. Sit (or stand) upright when speaking with your boss, and lean slightly into the conversation.
  • Eye contact. Avoid extremes (i.e., staring at the floor or glaring intently at your boss) when it comes to making eye contact. Too little conveys disinterest or insecurity; too much conveys aggression.

If communicating with your boss makes you uncomfortable, try mirroring his body language. Subtly adjust your own hand positions, posture or general body orientation to match his.

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Posted by Exact Staff

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