The Simple Eye Contact Trick You Should Use in Every Conversation

Make eye contact. Have you ever heard that advice before? It usually tops the list of things to do when interviewing for a new job or meeting a new client. Most people do not want to conduct business with someone who cannot make eye contact with them. If you’re going to build your career and…

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4 Authentic Ways to Develop Resilience When Life Gets Hard

Life will, at some point, will become difficult for you. You must develop resilience when the road becomes challenging. It is crucial to find authentic ways to build strength and manage your emotions and behavior in ways that will set you up for success. Consider the following when life gets hard for you. Accept Reality…

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There’s No Such Thing As “Deserving” Success

Do you feel deserving of success, or do you have trouble accepting the success that comes your way? If you think you are unworthy of your success and feel like a fraud, then you are experiencing imposter syndrome. This syndrome is a feeling of phoniness in people, making them feel like they are not smart,…

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Time: Understand How You Use It, Create More of It, Maximize It, and Sustain It

The foundation of our workweek is how we spend our time. Unfortunately, we focus little on how we design and spend our time. We work without a clear plan, letting the constant barrage of notifications distract us. As we participate in meetings, we have no clear strategy or purpose. However, you can design your week…

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11 Public Speaking Tips to Help You Crush Your Next Presentation

Few skills can offer you more opportunities than the ability to speak well in public. It leaves a powerful and positive impression on people. You might have a big presentation, or perhaps you want to be able to speak well. No matter the reason, here are ways to communicate well in public. Know Your Audience…

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Jobs for Right-Brained People

The right /left brain theory suggests that each side of the brain is associated with traits or characteristics. The different hemispheres of the brain are accountable for certain types of learning and emotions. Each side of the brain favors certain characteristics. For right-brained people, the following characteristics are common: Emotional Creative Musical Ability to read…

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Tips to Capture the Best Professional Headshots

A professional headshot showcases your professionalism and gives employers an idea of who you are in the business world. Headshots are an absolute must in our world of social media and online profiles, and they are necessary for a LinkedIn profile, personal website, blog, and online article submissions. Your professional headshot offers the first impression…

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Leadership Skills Every Employer Looks For (With Examples)

Leadership Skills are essential for managers and anyone else within the organization who can benefit from strong leadership. It is leadership skills that enable individuals at all organizational levels to be in a position to have a positive impact. Leadership skills help you develop plans, support a common goal, get the right people involved in…

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This Is What Work Will Look Like in 2030

The world of work is in constant flux, with businesses constantly adapting to meet the demands of the future. Demographic changes, globalization, and technology are changing the nature of work and how we work. In 2030, expect a flexible, distributed workforce that will enable businesses to become resistant to shifts. Agile Teams As we move…

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It Is Time to Reassess Your 2022 Goals

Take a moment and try to think about your 2022 resolution. Do you remember it? Can you recall what plans you set for yourself this year at the beginning of the year? It is June now, and the year is halfway over. Reflect on your goals, resolutions, and plans at the beginning of the year.…

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