Boosting Employees’ Productivity? It’s as Easy as Changing Their Mind

Improving productivity in your organization isn’t just a “nice thing to try”; it’s a business imperative. From coast to coast, employers are frustrated with the gap between what great people can and do accomplish on the job. Case in point? A March 2018 VitalSmarts study found that: A whopping 88% of managers have at least…

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Great Leadership Takes Courage – Here’s How to Build It

“I’m going to be an amazing leader, starting today.” If only becoming a great boss or manager were as simple as making a declaration like this. We all know that building effective leadership skills takes much more than uttering a single sentence. It takes passion. Commitment. Great decision-making and communication. And yes, courage. While some…

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Phrases a Boss Should Continually Tell Their Employees

When you address your employees: Do your words motivate or intimidate? Is your criticism constructive or merely negative? Are you inclusive or authoritarian? Obviously, you want to aim for the former in each of these examples. Because, as we mentioned in an earlier post, the language you use at work can inspire, inform, persuade and…

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Best Productivity Hacks for Your Small Business

When you’re a small business owner, your time is valuable – and extremely limited! The same goes for your team. Employees wear multiple hats, and their list of to do’s likely grows by the minute. Too bad you can’t grow more time to get everything done. Or can you? There are still only 24 hours…

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The Key to Stop Wasting Time in Unproductive Meetings

We’re a productivity-obsessed nation, always looking for new ways to save precious hours and accomplish more in less time at work. One of the biggest workplace productivity saboteurs? You guessed it: meetings. Every year, businesses waste $37 billion (yep, with a “b”) on unproductive meetings. Middle managers report spending 35% of their time in meetings,…

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Collaborating in Business Without Consensus

“Innovate or die.” It’s more than a cool catchphrase. Factors like rapidly advancing technology and intense global competition make it extremely difficult to keep up with the accelerating rate of change in business today. Maintaining the status quo, or even striving for incremental improvement, is no longer enough to stay at the leading edge of…

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How to Solve HR Challenges with Smarter Talent Management

Overcoming skills gaps. Reducing turnover. Managing changing workloads. If you’re in HR, these are just a few of the myriad challenges you face. And as you well know, the way your business attracts, employs and develops people dramatically influences your ability to meet these challenges. Regardless of your industry, talent is your company’s biggest asset.…

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8 Things the Happiest People Do Every Day

Did you wake up this morning feeling positive? Grateful? Excited to get your day started? No? Then let’s move that needle – on your happiness level, that is. When it comes to your sense of wellbeing, you have a general baseline for how happy you are. This “happiness set-point,” as psychologists call it, is the…

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Simple Ways to Generate Positive Energy in Your Organization

Here are a few facts about energy in the workplace: All people, objects and spaces have energy. That energy can be shared, increased or drained. For people, energy naturally flows toward meaningful action – and can be increased through focused, fulfilling work. Leaders have a huge impact on others’ energy. They can ignite and fuel…

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Leadership or Forwardship: Which Does Your Business Need?

Every once in a while, we come across a concept so revolutionary, we feel compelled to share it. Today is one of those days. A team member here at Exact Staff recently shared an intriguing article on the concept of “forwardship.” (If you’ve never heard of it, don’t worry – it’s a new idea!) Okay,…

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