Carbs: Breakfast Do or Don’t?


Ack – that’s a lot of pressure to get your food choices right.

Should you opt for the egg or the cereal?

These days, it seems that everyone has an opinion on whether protein or carbs are better for you first thing in the morning. In fact, in this earlier post, “6 Tweaks to Your Morning Routine that Will Transform Your Entire Day,” we recommend eating protein to break your overnight fast – and we’re a national staffing and placement firm!

But new research published on The Lancet Public Health suggests that moderate consumption of carbohydrates is good for you. (It’s okay, we’ll wait while you take a moment to grab a tissue and dab the tears from your eyes.) Below, we share a few of the study’s highlights:

  • The study included 15,428 adults aged 45 to 64 years, in four U.S. communities representing diverse socioeconomic backgrounds. It began with an initial health questionnaire and included a median follow-up of 25 years, to examine the relationship between carbohydrate intake and mortality.
  • Moderation is key. Diets with less than 40% or more than 70% of calories from carbs were associated with increased mortality. The “sweet spot” for carb intake is between 50% and 55% of daily calories; individuals who fell in this range had the lowest mortality risk.
  • People who restrict carbs in favor of animal-based protein have a greater mortality risk. The data provide evidence that animal-based protein/low carbohydrate diets should be discouraged.
  • For individuals choosing to restrict carbohydrate for weight loss and/or cardiovascular health, replacing carbs with plant-based fats and proteins is a better long-term approach to promote healthy aging.

Bottom line? This study shows that moderate carb diet is the way to go! So treat yourself to that morning bagel or donut every once in a while.

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Posted by Exact Staff

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