How to Blow Your Boss’s Mind (in the Best Way Possible!)

You show up 15 minutes early each morning.

You’re loyal and hard-working.

You meet your deadlines and annual objectives.

Coworkers think you’re great to work with.

Well, guess what? Nobody’s impressed by that. This is your job, and if you’re merely fulfilling the basic requirements, don’t expect anything more than the basic paycheck.

If you’re interested in garnering a promotion, earning a raise or laying the groundwork to make a career transition, you need to do more.

You need to really blow your boss’s mind!

Sure, you could demonstrate your Mongolian throat-singing skills (if you have them). Yes, you could hire an 80’s hair band to put on an in-office concert (as long as you’re prepared to write a big check). But that kind of “razzle dazzle” miiight not hit the right note. If you really want to position yourself as an indispensable employee – one worthy of more money and responsibility – use these tips to impress your manager the right way:

Be one step ahead.

Learn everything you can – about your company, its competitors and your industry. Follow thought leaders and influencers online. Learn more about the trends impacting other departments – not just your own. Instead of being the person who “will get back to you on that,” come to meetings with answers and solutions already in hand. Your boss will appreciate your passion and proactivity.

Push yourself beyond your comfort zone.

You may be great at your job, but that’s not enough to merit advancement. If you want to level up, ask for stretch assignments. Pursue training opportunities on your own (and do it on your own time). When your manager sees that you want more challenge, you aren’t afraid to try new things, and you’ve taken the initiative to improve your skills, they’ll be more likely to consider you when a growth opportunity arises.

Build relationships outside your department.

Individual relationships with peers and senior managers are essential to getting interdepartmental work done quickly and successfully. Be a bridge builder before you need those connections. That way, when your boss presents a complex project that requires cross-team collaboration, you’ll be able to make their day by saying, “I know (name) in (department). Why don’t I take care of this for you?”

Be clear about your intentions.

Your manager is busy attending to their own priorities; don’t assume they understand your career intentions. If you want a promotion or raise, and you’ve gone above and beyond to merit one, don’t be afraid to ask for it (again, the right way):

  • Have something specific to propose, even if it’s just a list of the types of responsibilities to take on.
  • Explain the reasons you deserve more (not just want more).
  • Be confident, but humble.

Looking for a better job?

Contact an Exact Staff Career Agent. We can confidentially represent you to employers, showcasing your strengths and making a strong case for your candidacy. If you’re ready for a new opportunity to build your skills and advance your career, apply with your local Exact Staff office today.

Posted by Exact Staff

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