Preparing for January 2015 | Laws to Pay Attention to (part 2)

Will it be a truly Happy New Year for your business? It depends on how prepared you are for 21 new laws that may be affecting your business, that is! Staying up-to-date and compliant is essential to making the new year both happy and profitable for your organization. Today, Exact Staff offers some help. In…

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Number of Long-Term Unemployed Professionals Continues to Decline

America is getting back to work. According the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ (BLS) latest data, our nation’s employment situation continues to improve. Here are a few key statistics from the BLS Economic News Release: The unemployment rate (5.8 percent) declined in October, down 0.8 percent since the beginning of the year. Currently at 9.0 million,…

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The Future of the Paper Resume

Ahhh, the paper resume. That beautiful sheet of expensive, heavy-weight stock that summarizes your greatest accomplishments, relevant skills, employment history and (if you even have room for it!) your name. Is its future as bleak as those career advice sites would lead you to believe? Yes and no. You Still Need a Paper Resume for…

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Turning a Temporary Job You Like into a Career You LOVE

The economy is improving. Employers are hiring again. It’s a great time to find your dream job! But if you’re going the traditional job-search route and applying to positions online, you’re missing out on the “inside employment track” temporary positions provide. The truth is, temporary assignments are a smart way to build your skills –…

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Preparing for January 2015 | Laws to Pay Attention to (Pt. 1)

The new year is just around the corner. Time to grab a handful of confetti… …and bone up on 21 new laws that may be affecting your California business. Employment law isn’t exactly a “festive” topic, but staying up-to-date and compliant is essential to making the new year both happy and profitable for your business.…

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With 2014 Half Over How Will YOU Reach Your Annual Goals?

We’re nearing the end of June meaning 2014 is halfway over. Chances are, at the beginning of the year you set goals for your organization — but are you able to meet them in the remaining six months? Of course you are! Companies set hiring goals in order to be more productive and efficient, and…

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3 Must-Know Tips When Hiring College Graduates

Many employers hesitate when it comes to hiring new college graduates, but they may be worrying needlessly. Sure, young prospects may not have corporate experience, but they haven’t been living in a cave for the last twenty-odd years. You may be surprised at how much they have to offer. Take the time to really analyze…

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Stop Losing Employees…Here’s What Top Managers Do Differently

Being a manager isn’t an easy task, and sometimes people are put in the position with minimal training or expertise. For those of you who are first-time managers, or managers who could use some refreshing, our team has created this post on what great managers are doing differently. Take notes, as being a good manager…

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Developing Top-Tier Employees in Your Organization

Every organization wants to have the best of the best when it comes to employees. This doesn’t necessarily mean only hiring top employees, but it means taking steps to develop top-tier employees. This post is designed to help your organization do just that, turn your current staff into top-tier employees. Four Main Stages of Coaching…

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Is Your Company Attractive to Potential Employees?

Finding the best talent for your organization is extremely competitive. Attracting top talent should be a priority for your company, but the top talent should want to come to you. Your company should actively recruit top talent on an ongoing basis. Our team at ExactStaff has compiled this post to help you make your company…

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