HR Trends All Successful Companies MUST be Watching

What are the top HR trends you should pay attention to in 2015? Where do we start?! Evolving technology. Increasing globalization. Shifting demographics. Increasing skills gaps. New legislation. Quite honestly, our world of work is changing so rapidly that it’s impossible to cover every priority for successful HR professionals in a single blog post. So…

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Your Online Reputation and its Influence on Hiring Potential

A picture of you drinking a beer. A potentially inappropriate comment you posted on your friend’s wall. A phony profile of you that your friend set up years ago as a practical joke. Can things like these really damage your candidacy when you’re searching for employment? Absolutely. In fact: Nearly half (47 percent) of recruiters…

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Where Do You See Your New Hire in 5 Years? | Determining Growth Potential

You’ve just made a great new hire. (From Exact Staff we hope!!) Congratulations! Your job is done, right? Actually, it’s just beginning. Keeping that exceptional new team member content, engaged and motivated to perform for you takes careful planning. But they just started with the company – and they barely knows how to do the…

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The Power of Your Personal Brand when Searching for a New Job

Undeniably, your online reputation greatly impacts your job search success. But if managing privacy settings to block your profiles is your chief concerns, you could be missing out on important opportunities to: Differentiate yourself; Get noticed by recruiters; Occupy a unique, competitive position in a potential employer’s mind; And ultimately land the job you want! How…

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Preparing for January 2015 | Laws to Pay Attention to (part 3)

January may be nearing an end… … but we’re far from finished with our review of 21 new laws that may affect your business. Missed the first two installments? Read Preparing for January 2105 (Part 1) and Preparing for January 2015 (Part 2). We know that compliance may not be the most riveting topic, but…

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Getting Ahead in 2015 | Motivating Your Workforce to Crush Deadlines

“This customer is going to be really upset if we miss this deadline.” “You’re going to have to pick up the pace.” “C’mon, you can do it…” When your company is up against it, do your attempts to motivate really energize your team – or do you just sound like Charlie Brown’s teacher? Endlessly repeating…

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Making 2015 a Year for You | Promoting Health and Wellness at Work to Improve Overall Productivity

Looking for ways to increase attendance, engagement, productivity and profitability? Consider implementing an employee wellness program. A recent post cited a number of the benefits employee wellness programs offer, including: Decreased Absenteeism According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, on average, a man with a healthy weight misses two fewer days per…

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Unemployment Rate Continues to Decline | And What This Means for You (the Job Seeker)

Need some good news? Here are a few encouraging job statistics for you: Unemployment is down. According to the latest U.S. Bureau of labor Statistics (BLS) Employment Situation report, the unemployment rate declined to 5.6% in December, 2014. More women are finding jobs. Demographically, adult women experienced biggest reduction in unemployment. Adult men, teenagers, whites,…

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Leave 2014 in the Past and Make 2015 Your Breakout Year

Find a better job. Get that raise. Start a new career. Made a career New Year’s resolution like one of these? Congratulations! You’ve taken the first step toward improving your future. To maximize your chances of success, start with a clean slate. Use these suggestions from Exact Staff to put the past behind you, so…

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Does Your Company Culture Encourage Employees to Think Outside the Box?

“We’ve always done it this way.” “That’ll never work.” “If it’s not broken, don’t fix it.” If sayings like this are common in your workplace, your culture might be stifling creativity and innovation. Is that a problem? If you want to ensure continued growth and success, absolutely! After all, if everyone within your organization continues…

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