Definitive Ways to Make Your Office a Great Place to Work

Did your office make Forbes’ 100 Best Companies to Work For? If not, don’t despair! Yours can still be a great place to work, even without a fancy title or a massive budget. What separates the good from the great? Let’s take a look at some definitive ways to become an employer of choice –…

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How to Juggle the Needs of Different Generations within Your Workforce

“Millennials are narcissistic and entitled.” “Boomers are on their way out.” “Gen X has no vision.” Heard comments like these before? They’re based on dangerous stereotypes – and when managers operate with this kind of mindset, it can limit productivity, teamwork and organizational success. The truth is, each generation brings unique talents, perspectives, and skill…

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Data Behind the Impact Gratitude can Have on Workplace Productivity

Think “gratitude” is one of those overrated constructs that doesn’t really matter much in the workplace? We get it! Most of us have been conditioned to believe that “nice people finish last,” so it’s not surprising that gratitude isn’t more highly valued in the world of work. But we’ve also found some interesting data that…

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Office Productivity Starts with a Healthy Diet

Want to boost employees’ productivity? Help them “feed their brains!” Nutrition advice is everywhere. But quite honestly, your employees may not know how to make sense of complex (and sometimes conflicting) recommendations for a healthy diet. Furthermore, it can be tough for your team to prepare productivity-boosting foods under time crunches and financial constraints. So…

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Creating a Policy around Wearable Technology in the Workplace

Here we go again. Just a few years ago, HR and business leaders were challenged with creating effective BYOD policies to leverage the power and workplace flexibility that mobile technologies afford. Now, it’s wearable technology’s turn to change the game. Whether it’s the Apple Watch, Google Glass or a Fitbit, more and more of your…

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7 Hot Apps to Increase Workplace Productivity

Words with Friends? Pinterest? Candy Crush? They sure are fun, but they’ll do little to improve your – or your team’s – productivity. Thankfully, there are a ton of apps that can! Check out these top Android and iOS apps, specifically designed to boost personal and workplace productivity. And then get ready to make some…

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Don’t Tweet It if You Don’t Want Your Boss to Read It!

Looking for your next job? Want to move ahead in your career? Then you better be careful what you Tweet. Need convincing? 93% of recruiters check candidates’ social media accounts pre-interview.1 43% of employers said they found something on social media that made them “deep-six” a candidate.2 Search the internet. You’ll find hundreds of nationally…

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4 Ways to Make the Most Out of Your Next Job Fair

Dreading that job fair? We get it. A job fair is uncomfortable, stressful and a lot of hard work. But if you leverage it correctly, a career fair can help you broaden your network and may even lead to job interviews. So don’t dread that job fair; embrace it – and prepare to succeed. Before…

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If it Takes 10,000 Hours to Master a Topic, Where Do You Stand in Your Career?

10,000 hours? That’s nearly five years of work! Few of us have that much time to devote to mastering a new skill. Still, continuing to educate yourself is essential to advancing your career and staying relevant. No matter what industry you’re in, technology is rapidly evolving. The rate of change is increasing. The value of…

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Looking Towards Seasonal Hiring | Preparing for the Summer

Summer is just around the corner. And you know what that means… Vacations. Kids are out of school and July is typically the peak month for family travel. Unplanned absences. Mysterious, spontaneous employee “illnesses” increase during the summer months. (In other words, employees are likely to take impromptu “mental health” days.) Surges in business. For…

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