How to Get Employees to Accept Feedback

They get defensive. They call in sick on performance review days. They nod their heads and promise to change, but keep on doing the same things in the same way. Let’s face it – some employees just don’t want your management advice or feedback. And if you share it, they’re not likely to take it…

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The Secret to Creating an Amazing Corporate Culture

The real secret to creating an outstanding company culture? Lean a little closer to your screen and we’ll tell you. The secret is… …that there is no secret. Or magic formula. Or foolproof method. An amazing culture can’t be created by waving a wand; it takes persistence, patience and team effort (and great ideas, of…

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New Laws Impacting HR Departments in 2016

Want a great New Year’s resolution for your business? Commit to staying on top of the legislation changes impacting your organization. Admittedly, employment law isn’t a very glamorous topic, but staying up-to-date and compliant is essential to making the New Year both happy and profitable for your business. Below, Exact Staff summarizes three new or…

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5 Tricks That Will Make You Way More Productive

Looking for quick and easy ways to improve productivity? We all are! Boosting productivity is essential to achieving work goals – whether they’re for yourself, your department or your entire organization. Below, Exact Staff shares five tricks that will help you and your team get more done in a snap: Change Your Mentality One of…

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Set Goals to Help Your Business Grow in 2016

How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time. You’re running a successful business – and you know that having a sound plan with measurable objectives is the best way to grow it. For example, when creating your strategic plan for next year, you probably included some sort of an over-arching growth objective…

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[Study] Women’s Biggest Concerns in the Workplace

Remember Rosie the Riveter? A cultural icon from the WWII era, Rosie became a symbol of feminism and women’s rise in the workforce. Since that time, women’s labor force participation rate has steadily increased. And today, women account for over half of U.S. workers. Needless to say, women have come a long way in the…

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3 Pieces of Advice from Our Team on Making 2016 a Fresh Start

2016 is almost here – and with it comes the chance to make a fresh start for your company. No matter what sort of business challenges you struggled with last year – hitting production goals, managing turnover, controlling expenses – the New Year brings new opportunities to reinvent your organization, re-energize your team and turn…

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The Truth to Setting Measurable Goals that Will Help Your Business Grow

Ever get so wrapped up in fighting fires, or managing your job, that you lose sight of the big picture? There’s a cure for that – and it starts with better goal-setting. The truth is, it’s easy to get derailed from achieving your growth goals unless you’re deliberate, consistent and structured. “SMART” Goals Can Help…

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How to Disrupt Your Industry

What do companies like Uber, Spotify and Dropbox have in common? They’re three of the top companies whose innovations are revolutionizing the business landscape. These organizations aren’t just coming up with cool new products and services; they’re turning their respective industries on their heads. How do they do it – and how can you accomplish…

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“How important it is for us to recognize and celebrate our heroes and she-roes!”

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