Back to Basics: 3 Essential Leadership Questions to Consider

That hot leadership book you’re reading right now – you know, the one that promises to revolutionize the way you manage and inspire your team?

It probably has about as much staying power as Pokemon Go.

The simple truth is, sound leadership principles have remained pretty much the same for decades (some would argue centuries!). So instead of keeping up with those trendy management fads that “everyone else is trying,” you might be better served by going back to the basics. Below, Exact Staff shares three questions for reflection to remind yourself what great leadership has always been about:

Do I see myself as others do?

Does the way you view yourself align with how your direct reports, peers and superiors see you? If you want to be an effective leader, it must.

Take the time to get back in touch with who you are as a person. What makes you happy, frustrated, motivated? How would you describe your personality? You might even want to take a personality inventory for a more objective self-analysis.

Then, get feedback from others in your organization and compare their assessment with your own. If significant gaps exist, consider why that might be. Take steps to address areas of discrepancy, and you’ll become an even stronger leader.

Do my daily actions communicate what I value?

What inspires you? What are you truly passionate about? At the end of the day, what do you stand for? If you know the answers to these questions, you’ll know what drives your behavior as a leader.

Strong leaders’ values are communicated through their actions. Reflect on the things that are important to you – whether it’s collaboration, diversity, innovation, compassion or other values – and consider whether or not your behavior evidences them.

Who do I want to be as a person – and as a leader?

Leadership is a journey, not an event. So even if you have years of experience managing others, it’s in your best interest to periodically reflect on the kind of leader you want to become. Consider:

  • the qualities you want to exemplify as a leader;
  • areas for your professional development, to better align who you are (and how others perceive you) with who you want to be;
  • the legacy you will leave (i.e., how others will remember you);
  • and who can help you continue to strengthen your leadership skills.

There is always room to grow as a leader. Take the time to consider these “back to basics” questions, and you’ll discover ways to make lasting improvements in your abilities.

Want to be a better leader? Choose the right staffing partner.

Exact Staff’s national staffing and placement services can make you – and your entire organization – more productive, flexible and effective. Contact your local Exact Staff office today.


Posted by Exact Staff

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