Addressing Burnout in High-Pressure Industries

Burnout is a silent yet prevalent issue affecting employees in all industries, particularly high-pressure industries. Even the most resilient professionals can feel the strain of lengthy hours, tight deadlines, and trying to keep up with the latest technology. How does management address burnout, and how can employees manage it?

The Signs of Burnout

There are numerous ways one can recognize burnout. Here are the most common indicators:

  • Employees lack trust in management. An employee feeling burned out is much less likely to trust leadership.
  • Workers feel micromanaged. A team member feeling the frustration of burnout might feel micromanaged.
  • Lack of information regarding the business. Burned-out employees feel a lack of important information. In their mind, they are outside of the loop.
  • Workers view the business as unfair. Workers no longer feel that the workplace is fair. They fear retaliation, discrimination, and favoritism.

Management Can Help

Leadership plays a crucial role in helping employees avoid and overcome burnout. An employee’s direct supervisor tremendously impacts the employee’s well-being, so companies must focus on training leaders to identify burnout and intervene.

Managers can lead in creating a positive work atmosphere and increasing engagement. They can do this by letting employees know when they do excellent work. Managers should not allow employees to downplay the significance of their work either.

Support is vital. A culture where seeking help is encouraged is ideal. Management should ask workers what they can do to help them perform their jobs better while avoiding unnecessary stress. Life happens, which is why a healthy work-life balance is essential. Workers need time to deal with personal responsibilities.

Finally, management must set realistic expectations. These expectations should reflect what the company’s workforce can accomplish with the understanding that an increased workload might require changing deadlines for other projects.

What Can an Employee Do?

High-pressure industries have their share of stressors. Add on family and social stressors, and you have a recipe for burnout. Employees can act, though. Here is how:

  • An attitude adjustment. If you are an employee, try to keep an optimistic point of view when dealing with work challenges.
  • Change your view. If there are beliefs you accept as facts that are your perceptions, it is time to change your perspective.
  • Take Credit. Workers must always take credit when it is due. Employees are perfectly OK to pat themselves on the back for excellent work.
  • Self-care. Maintain a healthy diet, exercise, take mental health days, and seek professional help when needed.
  • Limit demands. Do not always say yes. Admitting you cannot handle work or a personal task is OK.

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Posted by Exact Staff

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