7 Things Smart People Don’t Do

Looking for ways to be smarter and more successful at work?

Of course, you are – otherwise, you probably wouldn’t have clicked on this post title. So, let’s get to the good stuff…

Smart, successful, high-performing people operate differently from their “average” counterparts. And in many cases, it’s what they DON’T do that gives them their edge. If you want to handle situations of all kinds more effectively, steer clear of these don’ts:

Don’t Pretend You Have All the Answers

Nobody does! Smart people are not afraid to occasionally be vulnerable. They ask for help when and where they need it. Instead of being a know-it-all, rely on your team for insights and suggestions for tackling tough problems.

Don’t Let Other People Bring Them Down

High achievers won’t let anyone else’s opinions or achievements diminish their own happiness. True, it may be impossible for you to completely insulate yourself from negative people’s actions. And it may be necessary for you to measure your work performance against your peers’. But you don’t have to let your sense of pleasure and satisfaction be controlled by others. Be the master of your own happiness!

Don’t Sugar-Coat the Truth

High performers are direct and tell the whole truth – even when it’s tough. Shine a light on the cold, hard facts about yourself, your team, your products/services and your competition. Only by acknowledging reality can you begin to change it for the better.

Don’t Dwell on Problems

Successful people know that their emotional state is determined by where they focus their attention. Instead of fixating on problems (which perpetuates negative emotions and stress), focus on actions that will improve yourself, your circumstances and your team’s performance.

Don’t Let Fear Hold You Back

Smart people have fears and self-limiting beliefs like everyone else – they just don’t let those thoughts prevent them from doing the right things. The next time fear prevents you from acting, determine if that fear is legitimate – or if it’s really due to a limiting belief – and unnecessarily holding you back.

Don’t React

Failing to prepare is the same thing as preparing to fail. Smart people spend an appropriate amount of time planning, thinking and preparing in advance. Dedicate time each day, week, month, quarter and year to reflect on what you’ve accomplished and what you need to tackle next. If you create a calendar with prioritized short-term and long-term goals, you’ll spend less time reacting – and more time accomplishing your objectives.

Don’t Staff Your Business Alone

Work with a national staffing service to access the right professionals, right when you need them. With offices nationwide, and a full complement of staffing and placement services, Exact Staff can connect you with other smart, successful people to support or grow your core team. How can we help? Give your local Exact Staff office a call today.

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Posted by Exact Staff

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