7 Striking Differences Between Amateurs and Professionals

Amateur or professional?

Regardless of industry, functional discipline or role, most of us prefer to be thought of as the latter. But what, exactly, sets true professionals apart – and how can you make that transformative leap from “wannabe” to “the real deal”?

The first step is to understand these stark differences between amateurs and professionals:

Continual Improvement

While amateurs may rest on their laurels when they achieve something, professionals never reach the finish line. They realize that any achievement is just a stepping stone on their path of continual improvement.


Amateurs and professionals both have goals, but pros don’t stop there. They create processes and adopt habits that ensure they stay on track in pursuit a goal.


Amateurs do their best work when they’re motivated. Professionals show up every day, stick to a schedule, and do their best work even when they don’t feel like it. Most of us are inconsistent when it comes to pursuing our goals, letting life get in the way; professionals know what’s important to them and work toward it with purpose.


Amateurs wait for clarity (of purpose and of what they are); pros take action. True professionals know that clarity often only comes through action, and that they must sometimes perform their way to professionalism.

Tolerance for failure

Amateurs fear failure, while professional crave it. Pros see failures for what they are: temporary setbacks, from which they can learn and grow. And unlike amateurs, professionals don’t internalize failure. They realize that mistakes are a necessary, valuable byproduct of pushing the limits of their abilities and taking calculated risks.


Amateurs prefer committees and group decision-making, so blame won’t fall on them when something goes wrong. Professionals feel comfortable making decisions as individuals, and they hold themselves accountable for delivering results.

Usefulness of Conflict

Amateurs view disagreements as threats, while professionals know that constructive conflict provides important opportunities to learn and make smarter business decisions. Rather than shying away from conflict, professionals embrace it, explore it and work through uncomfortable situations respectfully.

No matter where you are in your career journey, there is always room to grow as a professional. Take the time to consider these important distinctions, and you’ll discover ways to make great strides in your professional development.

One Important Step to Take?

Work with True Staffing Professionals.

Exact Staff’s national staffing and placement services can help you – and your entire organization – operate more productively, effectively and professionally. Contact your local Exact Staff office today.


Posted by Exact Staff

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