6 Tweaks to Your Morning Routine that Will Transform Your Entire Day

Good morning! You woke up full of enthusiasm. You were determined to make a productive start and get a ton accomplished by 10:00 a.m.

But then your keys weren’t where you left them.

And a new construction zone made you 15 minutes late to work.

And your Inbox was flooded with emails demanding your attention.

…what was all that about a “good” morning?

Everyone has those occasional days where good intentions quickly evaporate due to circumstances beyond our control. But thankfully, there are many things you can control to ensure you spend your morning hours productively! Today, Exact Staff shares six tweaks to your morning routine that will maximize your energy and focus – and transform your entire day:

Hydrate with lemon water.

Lemon water encourages your gall bladder to release bile into your stomach, kickstarting your metabolism. Lemons are also packed with nutrients, including vitamin C, potassium, and antioxidants. Squeeze the juice of a whole lemon (half a lemon if you’re under 150 lbs.) into a full glass of water, and drink it to fuel a natural physical and mental energy spike in the morning.

Get moving.

As little as 10 minutes of exercise has been proven to release GABA, a neurotransmitter that soothes your brain gives you a more positive mindset and enhances self-control. Add a little physical exertion to your morning routine, and you’ll set a positive tone that lasts all day.

Eat protein.

Your body fasts overnight. Give your brain and muscles the fuel they need to perform by eating a protein-rich breakfast. Healthy options include cottage cheese, eggs, protein shakes, almonds and Greek yogurt.

Spend time with your loved ones.

Carving out a few minutes for those you love in the morning will help you connect emotionally. Even short conversations, if they’re meaningful, can sustain a positive mood for hours.

Skip the screen time.

When you’re checking news and social media, starting text conversations with friends, and reviewing work emails while you should be getting ready, the multi-tasking can backfire. It’s fine to check your phone after breakfast and address urgent issues. But while you’re trying to get ready and get out the door, stay focused on accomplishing your morning routine.

Write down a daily to-do list.

Create a prioritized list of specific tasks you need to accomplish.  Ask yourself, “What activities and priorities have the most heart and meaning for me today?  What do I need to accomplish, to stay on track with my top priorities?” Start with the tasks that are the toughest (but essential to accomplish), and work down to things that would be nice to get done, but aren’t a true priority.

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Posted by Exact Staff

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