3 Must-Know Tips When Hiring College Graduates

Many employers hesitate when it comes to hiring new college graduates, but they may be worrying needlessly. Sure, young prospects may not have corporate experience, but they haven’t been living in a cave for the last twenty-odd years. You may be surprised at how much they have to offer. Take the time to really analyze your needs and get to know each candidate before making a hiring decision.

Look at non work-related experience and read between the lines. Did they take leadership roles or learn to work as a part of a team in high school or college sports and activities? There are valuable skills to be learned on the soccer field or backstage that can translate easily to the workplace.

Three Ideas to Consider When Hiring Recent Grads

1. Look Beyond GPA.
A strong GPA is great! It can indicate intelligence and most likely a decent work ethic. But it’s not really enough to predict success in the workplace. A high GPA could just as easily come from taking non-challenging classes or avoiding outside activities. A candidate with a middle-of-the road GPA may have worked their way through college, built leadership skills through social networking or taken classes outside of her comfort zone.  Interview with a mindset of figuring out these kinds of details before dismissing a candidate with less than a 4.0.

2. Focus on Leadership Skills.
Leadership is one of the most underestimated keys to long-term career success. Identify leadership skills in a young candidate and nurture that potential to develop an employee that can make a significant long-term impact on your organization. Today’s young, inexperienced candidates are tomorrow’s leaders. Build a strategy for future growth by creating a career path for high-potential candidates and mentoring them to success.

 3. Find Someone Who Fits Your Culture.
New college graduates are not all alike. Take the time to get to know each candidate under consideration for hire. Determine how well they will fit into your company culture. Are they conservative and process oriented? Flexible and comfortable with change?  Do they work better within rigid parameters or are they willing to pitch in on any project where their skills are useful? Identifying potential employees whose work styles mesh with your company culture is the key to hiring success.

Whether a potential employee is entry level or mid-career, they bring a wealth of experience, insight and potential to the table. Hiring managers with strong screening and interviewing skills can help to identify those who fit best into your company.

If you need expert help with hiring and staffing, contact ExactStaff. Our skill and experience in finding just the right fit candidate for every role can make all the difference in your business success. Get started with ExactStaff today.



Posted by Exact Staff

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