12 Things Mentally Strong People Won’t Do

Mental toughness is a virtue that helps all aspects of life. Athletes require it to overcome their physical pain and exhaustion and reach their fitness goals. And other people need it to get through a rough period at work. Or the general stressors of life. Here are twelve things that mentally strong people don’t do.

Stay in their Comfort Zone

Push yourself! Test your limits! Expand your boundaries and your point of view. You can’t determine what you need to improve or learn if you don’t challenge yourself. Give in to your fears.

Stop Believing in Themselves

Mentally strong people persevere—even after a failure, they keep going, focused on their goals instead of the setback.

Hold Grudges

A grudge is a waste of energy and time. It’s counterproductive since it actually adds stress, spikes our blood pressure, and contributes to heart disease.

Live for Attention

People who are mentally tough don’t rely on attention from others for their self-worth. They’re confident on their own, more focused on what needs to be done than their own egos.

Act like Jerks

People who act like jerks usually do so because they’re insecure and unhappy. Instead, they treat everyone with kindness, fairness, and respect, no matter what kind of mood they’re in.

Hang with Negative People

Attitudes are contagious. So, if you’re hanging around people who complain and wallow in misery all the time, eventually you’ll do the same. There’s a fine line between lending a sympathetic ear and getting sucked into their negativity. Distance yourself from those people so you can focus on your own positive energy.

Indulge in self-Pity

When you feel sorry for yourself, you automatically label yourself a victim, thus surrendering any control you have in the situation. Instead, you control the narrative and you dictate what happens.

Feel Entitled

Mentally tough people know that the world doesn’t owe them anything. They have to work for what they get, and they alone are responsible for their successes or failures.

Shut Down New Information

People who have mental toughness are open-minded. Instead of being threatened by new ideas or information, they know that the truth is what matters. So, even if it means that they’re wrong, they will seek the truth because it means better quality output.

Let People Rain on their Parade

Happiness is a choice you make every moment of every day. You can’t control what other people say or do, but you can control how you react to it. Your self-worth has to come from within, not dependent on the opinions of others.

Feel Jealous

Jealousy isn’t an issue for people who are mentally tough because they understand that other people’s success doesn’t take away from their own.

Dwell in the Past

Past failure and success are important to learn from, but you need to move on from them. Aim for greater success, which means you’ll need to take risks.

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Posted by Exact Staff

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