10 of the Most Commonly Misspelled Words in Business Correspondence

Whether you’re an experienced manager or a recent graduate looking for your first job, one thing is for certain:

Mispelled misspelled words make you look ignorant.

And nobody wants that (especially in business correspondence)!

So before you send that email, upload that proposal or submit that resume, make sure it doesn’t contain one of these commonly misspelled words:

  1. Incorrect: seperate. Correct: separate (tip: remember the “par”).
  2. Incorrect: accomodate. Correct: accommodate (tip: remember that this word has two sets of double letters).
  3. Incorrect: definate. Correct: definite (tip: remember the “nite”).
  4. Incorrect: calender. Correct: calendar (tip: emphasize the “dar” as you write the word).
  5. Incorrect: arguement. Correct: argument (tip: remember to drop the middle “e”).
  6. Incorrect: embarass. Correct: embarrass (tip: this one also has two sets of double letters).
  7. Incorrect: existance. Correct: existence (tip: no “a” exists in this word).
  8. Incorrect: judgement. Correct: judgment (tip: drop the “e” before adding the suffix).
  9. Incorrect: liason. Correct: liaison (tip: remember the second “i”).
  10. Incorrect: perseverence. Correct: perseverance (tip: think of the word “severance” with a prefix).

“But I have a spell checker!”

That may be, but you shouldn’t trust it. Unfortunately, many programs miss homonym errors (i.e., incorrect usage of a real word), which are just as bad as typos. Here are the most common culprits:

  • “Too” (also) and “to” (preposition).
  • “Your” (possessive pronoun) and “you’re” (contraction for “you are”).
  • “Their” (possessive pronoun), “they’re” (contraction for “they are”) and “there” (adverb describing location).
  • “Its” (possessive pronoun) and “it’s” (contraction for “it is”).

Nobody is perfect, but we hope these tips will help you send correspondence that’s as close to error-free as possible!

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Posted by Exact Staff

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