Why Every Leader Should Plan a “Gratitude Check-in” With Team Members This Week

Gratitude is a feeling of thankfulness and appreciation. To practice gratitude, engage in techniques that help you reflect upon what you appreciate and find valuable to create a general sense of thankfulness. Expressing your gratitude can happen in many ways, such as:

  • Thinking about things in your life for which you are grateful
  • Being thankful for your health
  • Doing something kind for another person
  • Focusing attention on the small things in life
  • Meditation or prayer focused on giving thanks

You must take the time to “check-in” and think about the past week, month, or year and acknowledge the distance you have come. The more you check in, the more you will realize how important it is for your growth as a leader and company. When you feel accomplished, it drives you to do even more the next day.

Celebrate the Victories, Even the Small Ones

The further along on your business journey you travel, some accomplishments no longer seem like a big deal. Suddenly signing your office lease, making payroll every two weeks, and getting your first sale seem minuscule. However, these things are a big deal. And if you take the time to celebrate your victories, no matter how small, it will help you feel your success faster while helping to prevent feelings of burnout. Start today by keeping a list on your computer or in a paper journal of all of the things you did this week that you are proud of, and review the list. When you consider what you have accomplished, it might amaze you.

Don’t Forget to Share your Feelings of Gratitude With Your Team

As you practice gratitude, it is vital that you do not forget about your team. Never assume that your team members know you are happy with their work performance. They, like everyone else, want to be appreciated. They want to hear that you think they are doing a terrific job managing their teams, meeting sales goals, or dealing with a problematic vendor situation. Always share your feelings of gratitude with your team, and encourage your team leaders to do the same with their teams. A culture of gratitude is worth the work.

Use Gratitude to Promote Happiness

Gratitude stimulates optimistic emotions in individuals, impacting the sense of well-being of those around them. The expression of gratitude is easy, and it can contribute to creating an excellent workplace. The next time you feel frustrated by the challenges you face in the workplace daily, consider trying to enhance your feelings of gratitude.

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