See It, Do It: Using Visualization to Achieve More

Athletes and performance artists use visualization techniques to prepare for competitions, mentally rehearse difficult performance situations, and improve execution for one reason:

It works!

And not just on the field or the stage. In fact, smart professionals practice visualization techniques to maximize their performance in the workplace.

Why is visualization so effective?

By definition, visualization is the mental ability to conceive imaginary or recalled scenes. Pretty innocuous, right? But when you visualize yourself performing something successfully – whether it’s giving a sales presentation, interviewing for a promotion, or performing a complex audit – your brain releases dopamine. This neurotransmitter (which is part of the reward system in your brain) allows you to not only see a reward (i.e., a positive outcome) in your mind’s eye, but to move toward it.

Phrased more simply, when you visualize your success, your brain stores that information as a real success.

Phrased even more simply, if you can see it in your mind’s eye, you can do it!

Visualizing success is one of the most powerful performance-improvement tools you’ll ever have. And it’s always available to you – and completely free! Today, we’re sharing four tips to help you use this technique to achieve more:

  1. Start with relaxation. If you’re nervous or anxious, mental images quickly break down. For your images to be as vivid and influential as possible, precede your visualization practice with a few minutes of relaxation exercises in a quiet room, free from distractions.
  2. Clarify the outcome you want. Visualizing yourself successfully achieving a goal forces you to get serious – and specific – about what you want. Move beyond a vague notion (e.g., “I want to be rich”) and detail what that outcome truly looks like to you:
    1. Paint a mental portrait of where you want to be.
    2. Determine what you need to do to get there.
    3. Imagine yourself handling objections, overcoming obstacles or managing other potential roadblocks to your success.
    4. See yourself performing all the steps from start to finish, imagining what you will experience and how you will achieve your goal.
    5. If your goal is large or long-term, create a series of visualization sessions, each devoted to achieving a specific milestone along the way.
  3. Stay mentally strong. When uncertainty rears its ugly head (it will), anticipate, embrace and move through it. Note when you feel uncertain, and consider the root cause of your doubts. The better you understand the “why” of your self-doubt, the better equipped you’ll be to nip it in the bud.
  4. Stay positive. The strongest memories we have are associated with powerful emotions. To make your visualization more effective, channel positive emotions like joy, satisfaction, enthusiasm and pride when you practice. Imagine exactly what you will feel like when you achieve your goal. Over time, you’ll feel better prepared to handle situations in the real world, because you’ve already mentally associated those situations with positive emotions.

Visualizing better work performance?

Exact Staff can help you move from “nice idea” to reality. Offering a full complement of national staffing and placement solutions, our team is here to support your success by:

  • offloading non-core activities that distract you and your staff;
  • alleviating overwork and the burnout it causes;
  • improving your team’s focus, productivity and effectiveness;
  • allowing you to confidently tackle new or pressing projects.

Ready to get started? Contact your local Exact Staff office today.

Posted by Exact Staff

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