Unemployment Rate Continues to Decline | And What This Means for You (the Job Seeker)

Need some good news?

Here are a few encouraging job statistics for you:

  • Unemployment is down.
    According to the latest U.S. Bureau of labor Statistics (BLS) Employment Situation report, the unemployment rate declined to 5.6% in December, 2014.
  • More women are finding jobs.
    Demographically, adult women experienced biggest reduction in unemployment. Adult men, teenagers, whites, blacks and Hispanics showed little change.
  • In 2014, total employment rose by 2.95 million.
    This is the largest advance since 1984.

So, what does all of this mean for you and your job search?

At first glance, these numbers are great news. More jobs and lower unemployment means that there may be fewer candidates vying for the same positions. In fact, employers across the nation are experiencing candidate shortages in several major job categories.

Bear these points in mind as you search for your next job:

  • “Unemployment” is very specifically defined by the BLS.
    If you work just one hour a month, you’re considered “employed” – even if it doesn’t pay the bills.
  • Some positions and industries experienced higher growth than others.
    Here’s a quick overview of the categories that showed the biggest gains in December:

    • Professional and business services – up 52,000 jobs
    • Construction – up 48,000 jobs
    • Food services and drinking places – up 44,000 jobs
    • Health care – up 34,000 jobs
    • Manufacturing – up 17,000 jobs

How can you find the best employment opportunities in today’s employment market?
Start your confidential search with Exact Staff. With a range of administrative, industrial, call center, legal, IT, technical, medical, accounting, finance and professional opportunities, our staffing experts are committed to matching you with the most challenging, highest paying and rewarding career opportunities.

In today’s improving economy, you can find much more than “just a job.” Let Exact Staff help you uncover the perfect opportunity.

Posted by Exact Staff

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