The Guide to Utilizing Power Poses to be Successful in Life

An effective power pose can mean all the difference in gaining trust from those around you, earning respect from the rest of your team, and communicating messages that sometimes words cannot.

After all, people make snap judgments about us based on first impressions when they first see us, which we’ve documented in our past article “Small Things People Use to Judge Your Personality”  

If you want to exhibit a demeanor based on self-confidence and authority, consider these tips on improving your power pose.

Use Your Facial Expressions

Experts claim it takes less than a tenth of a second to determine whether or not someone’s face is trustworthy. And that first impression is the one that stays with us despite the facts that try to sway our rational brains. So the best pose for your face is a genuine smile to show that you’re competent and trustworthy. But the smile has to be big and sincere—you can’t fake it. A tight-lipped smile that doesn’t show any teeth hints that you’re hiding something and a smile that drops the lower jaw is seen as fake.

Use Your Hands and Arms

Effective speakers use a lot of hand gestures as they talk, which makes them seem warm, agreeable, and energetic. Use your finger to count off numbers, squeeze your thumb and forefinger together to show something small, or emphasize an important point by extending your index finger and thumb and rotating your hand.

Placing your hands face down on the surface of the table asserts your confidence and authority. As does placing your hands on your hips with your elbows pointed out and your thumbs to the back. But when you move your thumbs to the front, you’re showing that you have questions and are seeking help, lessening any tension in the room. If you clap your hands together while you’re speaking, it tells your audience that what you’re saying in that moment is important.

Be Mindful of Your Feet and legs

The feet are the most honest indicator of what you’re currently feeling. Stand with a firm stance if you’re standing and want to convey that you’re in charge. Crossing your legs shows that you’re at ease because it’s impossible to run away. And jiggling or shaking your legs means that you’re happy—unless they suddenly started shaking mid-conversation. In that case, it means that you’re suddenly uncomfortable.

Use Your Head and Neck

People only touch their necks when they’re disturbed, threatened, or confused, so if you scratch or stroke your neck, it looks like you’re stressed and trying to calm yourself down. Raise your chin to show that you’re confident; lowering your chin shows that you’re unsure.

Pose Appropriately

Use your torso to show how comfortable you are. Turning your body towards someone shows that you trust them and are willing to make yourself vulnerable. But when you turn your torso away from someone, you’re implying that you don’t like them.

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