The Simple Eye Contact Trick You Should Use in Every Conversation

Make eye contact. Have you ever heard that advice before? It usually tops the list of things to do when interviewing for a new job or meeting a new client. Most people do not want to conduct business with someone who cannot make eye contact with them. If you’re going to build your career and…

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Opening Lines to Set You Apart in Your Cover Letter

A cover letter is a crucial part of your application. It is a fantastic way to grab a hiring manager’s attention while highlighting why you are the best person for the job. There is no established proper way to open a cover letter, but there are certain lines to help you stand out and statements…

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Helpful Tips to Have the Most Productive Q2 Ever

Your organization had a great Q1 – congratulations! Now do it all over again. No pressure there, right? Creating short bursts of high productivity is relatively simple to accomplish: offer a cash bonus or some other type of highly desirable, tangible reward, and employees will typically boost their efforts. Temporarily. But how do you sustain…

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Are We Thinking About Organizational Culture the Wrong Way?

Is your corporate culture unifying – or unintentionally divisive? Before you answer, you should read this Harvard Business Review post by John Traphagan. Most of us accept the common definition of “corporate culture” as a shared set of values, attitudes, standards and beliefs that characterize how a company’s employees and management interact and handle outside…

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Does Scarcity Reduce Your Decision-Making Capabilities?

When your employees have the knowledge, resources, time and tools to do their job well, productivity soars. Innovation abounds. And your business runs like a well-oiled machine. But if even one of these factors is in short supply? A “scarcity mindset” can creep in – causing mistakes that bring business to a screeching halt. As…

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The Leading Strategy to Evaluate Your Leadership Performance

What’s good for the goose is good for the gander. As a leader, you regularly evaluate the performance of your team. But when’s the last time you evaluated your own performance – specifically in the area of leadership? Still thinking? Then you definitely want to read this post. Merely having the responsibilities of a leader…

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Want to Increase Engagement? Go with the Flow

Ever experienced focus so intense that you: Accomplish an amazing amount of high-quality work in a short period? Are impervious to distractions? Feel virtually unstoppable? Then you’ve been in a state of “flow.” Flow is a state in which you feel and perform your best. And it’s more than just a catch-phrase; studies validate its…

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Do These Three Things – BEFORE Crisis Strikes

Accidents. Judgment errors. Cyber attacks. Nothing tests your organization quite like a crisis. And unfortunately, no business is immune. Regardless of your location, size or industry, your company WILL be forced to deal with major problems. So consider this question: If disaster were to strike today, how prepared is your organization to handle it? Not…

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How to Get Employees to Change Direction

In the workplace, why are people so resistant to change? Here are three key reasons: An “If it isn’t broke, why fix it?” mentality. People are naturally comfortable with the knowledge and skills they possess, as well as the ways they perform work. This provides them with a sense of competency, and change forces them…

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Are You Showing Your Employees Enough Loyalty?

Are you as committed to your employees as you want them to be to you? Consider how your team members would answer the following questions (if their responses would be kept anonymous): Does your boss care about your happiness? Is your boss committed to helping you achieve your career goals? Does your boss recognize and…

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