The Simple Eye Contact Trick You Should Use in Every Conversation

Make eye contact. Have you ever heard that advice before? It usually tops the list of things to do when interviewing for a new job or meeting a new client. Most people do not want to conduct business with someone who cannot make eye contact with them. If you’re going to build your career and…

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Opening Lines to Set You Apart in Your Cover Letter

A cover letter is a crucial part of your application. It is a fantastic way to grab a hiring manager’s attention while highlighting why you are the best person for the job. There is no established proper way to open a cover letter, but there are certain lines to help you stand out and statements…

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A Fun Way to Be More Successful, Backed by Research

You could be chosen for a high-profile project. You could land a promotion. You could find a better job. …and then you’d be happy, right? Not necessarily, according to research by Shawn Achor, author of The Happiness Advantage. While living, researching and lecturing at Harvard University, Achor spent over a decade studying the link between…

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Hypercritical of Yourself? How to Be More Accepting

“She’s so intelligent; I’ll never be as smart as her.” “He’s so creative; why can’t I think that way?” “She’s so disciplined; I wish I could exhibit that kind of control and perseverance.” Are you great at finding amazing qualities in your colleagues, family and friends – but incredibly tough on yourself? It’s human nature.…

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Strategies for More Successful Decision-Making

Gut feelings and hunches? Save them for choosing your next dessert. You’re a manager – which means that you need to apply disciplined, sound strategies to your decision-making practices. While it’s nearly impossible to distill complex decision-making processes into a few terse bullets, solid fundamentals are undeniably important. Here are four basic strategies you can…

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Deliver Criticism So That It’s Constructive – Not Demoralizing

Ever been criticized at work? Was the feedback delivered in a constructive way, or did you feel like you were being personally attacked? The answer probably has a lot to do with how that criticism was delivered. Providing constructive feedback is an integral part of successful employee management. When the feedback is positive, it’s a…

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4 Obstacles to Organizational Agility

Would you describe your business as nimble? Innovative? Flexible? Or stuck in the mud? Organizational agility helps your business adapt to its changing environment, by deftly executing initiatives in support of your overall strategy. It’s what allows your business to: respond quickly and effectively to urgent issues and risks; stay profitable in turbulent markets; identify…

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5 Customer Service Lessons to Help You Provide Better Customer Service

“You will not BELIEVE this car I just bought. It’s kinda non-descript-looking, the handling is alright, and the fuel economy is mediocre!” Not amazed? Neither are your customers if you’re delivering “so-so” service. In a hyper-connected, hyper-competitive business world, customer service provides critical opportunities for differentiation and competitive advantage. But only if you consistently go…

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How Uncertainty in Business Can Lead to Great Power and Opportunity

The only constant in business? Change. Regardless of your industry, organizational size or the number of years you’ve been in business, today’s operational environment is volatile, complex, and yes – uncertain. As a leader, does that uncertainty cripple or exhilarate you? A lot of it has to do with how you plan to manage it.…

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The Leading Strategy to Evaluate Your Leadership Performance

What’s good for the goose is good for the gander. As a leader, you regularly evaluate the performance of your team. But when’s the last time you evaluated your own performance – specifically in the area of leadership? Still thinking? Then you definitely want to read this post. Merely having the responsibilities of a leader…

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