Jobs for Right-Brained People

The right /left brain theory suggests that each side of the brain is associated with traits or characteristics. The different hemispheres of the brain are accountable for certain types of learning and emotions. Each side of the brain favors certain characteristics. For right-brained people, the following characteristics are common: Emotional Creative Musical Ability to read…

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Are You Self-Sabotaging Your Career?

Do negative things keep happening to you at work? Are horrible bosses, unrealistic deadlines, backstabbing, and lack of support part of the workday? You are likely wondering why you have such poor career luck. However, have you ever considered that you might be the problem and the catalyst for these damaging events? Conduct becomes self-sabotaging…

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Hypercritical of Yourself? How to Be More Accepting

“She’s so intelligent; I’ll never be as smart as her.” “He’s so creative; why can’t I think that way?” “She’s so disciplined; I wish I could exhibit that kind of control and perseverance.” Are you great at finding amazing qualities in your colleagues, family and friends – but incredibly tough on yourself? It’s human nature.…

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Happy People Have These Habits

If you look up the definition of “happy” online (and we did), you’ll find synonyms like: Cheerful Merry Joyful Carefree Untroubled Brings a smile to your face, right? But while defining happiness is pretty simple, knowing how to achieve it is much more difficult. Where’d that smile go? Before it completely fades, remember this: nobody…

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With Spring Upon Us, How Will Your Workplace Stay Productive?

The weather is slowly becoming warmer, making employees’ minds wander to the outdoors. After a long winter, employees are ready to get outside and have some fun. Unfortunately, sometimes the warmer weather can decrease productivity. Our team at Exact Staff has compiled some tips on how to keep your workplace productive as spring continues. Encourage…

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