Secrets to Having More Energy

Tired of feeling tired?

You could blame the weather. You could blame the coming winter solstice. You could blame the holiday frenzy…

…or you could actually DO something about it.

If you want to greet every work day full of energy, try these tactics:

Create meaning in your work.

Neuroscience studies demonstrate that pursuing meaning – not merely happiness – is the key to long-term fulfillment and engagement on the job. In fact, Tom Rath, author of Are You Fully Charged?, shares research concluding that the “odds of being completely engaged in your job increase by more than 250 percent if you spend a lot of time doing meaningful work throughout the day.”

If your work isn’t especially meaningful right now, look for ways to tweak, expand or evolve your role in the year ahead to:

  • directly impact your organization’s mission and vision;
  • make a difference in the lives of customers, clients or the world at large;
  • better support internal team members’ success.

Improve your interactions with others.

Positive interactions – ones that foster a sense of belonging and connectedness with co-workers – can energize you and improve your overall sense of wellness on the job. Try these tips:

  • Make friends. While it’s important not to overshare or engage in office gossip, build relationships with your co-workers. Research from Gallup shows that people who have a best-friend relationship at work are a whopping 7 times likely to be engaged in their job!
  • Be positive. As a rule of thumb, strive to make 80% of what you say, do or share positive, even when things are tough at work.

Adopt habits of successful people.

The most energetic, productive and successful professionals have mastered tricks to make every day great.

  • Eat well. Consuming the right foods can improve brain power by as much as 20 percent. In this earlier post, we share 4 power foods you should eat in the morning to kickstart your day and supercharge your energy level.
  • Get moving. Research proves there’s a relationship between physical activity and improved cognitive and executive functioning.
  • Discipline your thinking. It’s not just a saying; attitude IS everything – impacting your focus, motivation and your energy level. Adopting a positive attitude, even in the face of adversity, helps you insulate your mood from what happens around you.
  • Wake up earlier. An extra 30 minutes can dramatically improve your morning routine. Just be careful not to short-change your sleep; a high-energy day starts with a great night’s sleep.
  • Practice gratitude. Gratitude is antithetical to anxiety, anger and fear, and it takes just a few moments of reflection to center yourself – and boost your focus.

Maximize your team’s productivity and energy levels with the right staffing support.

Exact Staff delivers exceptional talent and innovative strategies to meet your local or national requirements. Whether it’s a single temporary for a day or an entire project team, we provide a range of staffing and placement solutions to increase productivity and performance.

How can we help? Contact a staffing expert at your local Exact Staff office today.

Posted by Exact Staff

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