Looking Towards Seasonal Hiring | Preparing for the Summer

Summer is just around the corner.

And you know what that means…

  • Vacations. Kids are out of school and July is typically the peak month for family travel.
  • Unplanned absences. Mysterious, spontaneous employee “illnesses” increase during the summer months. (In other words, employees are likely to take impromptu “mental health” days.)
  • Surges in business. For some industries, it’s also the busiest time of year.

Time off is essential for keeping your employees motivated, focused and productive. At the same time, it’s critical for your business to operate seamlessly, despite employee absences and changes in workload

What’s the best way to prepare your business for the summer months? Create a sound seasonal staffing plan. Here’s why:

  • Unemployment has been on a steady decline, meaning that fewer qualified candidates are available for seasonal positions. To compound the situation, technical, skilled labor and creative skills gaps are making recruiting for these jobs even more difficult.
  • Recruiting, onboarding and training require substantial time and resources. Even if you find the people you need, you still have to process their paperwork, orient them properly and provide adequate training.
  • Seasonal hiring often leads to increased layoffs. If you hire direct staff, you may need to let them go once your peak season is over. Ultimately, this can negatively impact your unemployment insurance rates.
  • Overtime isn’t a panacea. If you try to meet seasonal needs by requiring more of your direct workers, it could backfire. Long hours can eventually lead to burnout, diminished productivity, increased absenteeism and, you guessed it, higher turnover.

Prepare your business now for a successful summer season, using these tips from Exact Staff:

  • Start planning now! Meet with your Exact Staff representative to analyze your upcoming business needs, vacation coverage requirements and other potential challenges the summer may bring. We can get to work immediately recruiting the best people for your needs – before other seasonal employers get the jump.
  • Notify your direct staff. Pave the way for success by making sure your own employees know exactly why and how you’ll be using supplemental employees (so core employees won’t feel threatened). Provide guidance on how your direct staff can welcome and support seasonal employees.
  • Provide the resources seasonal workers will need. Before they arrive, make sure workspaces, equipment, supplies and instructions are ready to go. Once seasonal employees have been properly oriented, clearly explain: to whom they report; how to get questions answered; what to do if they finish their work. Providing the resources and information they need up-front eliminates confusion and maximizes productivity.

Creating a seasonal staffing plan is smart business. It:

  • ensures adequate temporary support for your busiest time;
  • reduces or eliminates your need for layoffs;
  • alleviates turnover, burnout and productivity problems; and
  • frees you to focus on your top business priorities.

Prepare for a great summer – contact our California employment agency to create your seasonal staffing plan today.

Posted by Exact Staff

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