7 Key Differences Between Having a Growth Mindset Versus a Fixed Mindset

A fixed mindset causes us to believe that we cannot improve our abilities over time. Fixed mindsets hold us back. However, a growth mindset is a way to success and happiness. With a growth mindset, you will understand that your abilities do not remain static. You can start down a new path with a growth mindset. There are differences between a fixed and a growth mindset, and understanding the key differences will help you take your career to another level.

Effort Is the Focus of a Growth Mindset

Focusing on effort encourages us to try new things and results in achievements. Encourage yourself and others to show up fully. You will discover that the more you fully engage in life, the more you achieve. Avoid maintaining a fixed mindset in your team members by encouraging their progress rather than just their wins. Highlight your coworkers’ learnings and reward their willingness to try different strategies.

Natural Abilities Encourage a Fixed Mindset

You might have a fixed mindset if you love compliments for your intelligence or talent. You might also compliment others on their natural talent. Our society teaches us to praise natural abilities, which perpetuates a fixed mindset. Try to pride yourself on learning, growing, and being resourceful.

Failure Is a Problem for a Fixed Mindset

A fixed mindset causes you to be terrified of failure. A growth mindset encourages you to try things despite the possibility of failure. When you believe that you possess fixed skills, loss becomes catastrophic. You will see opportunities if you view failure as part of a learning process.

A Growth Mindset Welcomes New Challenges

Enthusiasm about new challenges is an indicator of a growth mindset. The fixed mindset prefers you to do things in which you are skilled. Career development depends on accessing new opportunities. Identify something you enjoy making an effort in, then apply this thinking to an area of your life where you want to develop a growth mindset.

Fixed Mindsets Are Results Oriented

Enjoy the journey and avoid a fixed mindset. In reality, there is only the journey. Yes, winning is good, but it can turn toxic when it causes you to aim for your next achievement constantly. Embrace the process of growth and enjoy the path to achieving your goals.

The Growth Mindset Encourages Feedback

With a growth mindset, you seek feedback to improve. You do not get upset over constructive criticism and get excited about the advice. Please do not allow a fixed mindset to deter constructive feedback. It will cause you to think you lack natural ability and talent.

The Growth Mindset Involves Taking Risks

A fixed mindset can cause our worlds to shrink. It whittles it down until you are only doing things in which you are skilled. Please avoid doing this, as it will deny you opportunities for growth and contributing to the world.

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Posted by xact support

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