Developing Top-Tier Employees in Your Organization

Every organization wants to have the best of the best when it comes to employees. This doesn’t necessarily mean only hiring top employees, but it means taking steps to develop top-tier employees. This post is designed to help your organization do just that, turn your current staff into top-tier employees.

Four Main Stages of Coaching and Developing Employees.

The first stage is the initial meeting between the manager and the employee, discussing all aspects of the coaching relationship. The employee should let the manager know what they are looking to get out of this, and the manager should state how they plan to help. Even though the manager is the mentor, this should truly be a team effort.

The second stage of the process is when the manager collects all information necessary about the employee. The manager may talk to the employee’s colleagues, or may do his own self-review. The employee still should have feedback during this part of the process, and the information gathered should form as a base for judging progress.

The third stage of the process allows the manager to provide some feedback to the employee. The feedback should include behavioral changes that need to be made in order for the employee to be more successful. Identifying behavioral changes provides self-awareness for the employee, which will play a vital role in their developmental growth.

The fourth and final stage of the coaching process involves the manager and employee working together to create a development plan. The plan consists of necessary steps the employee should be making in order to grow his role. The manager will still be involved providing feedback as time goes on.

Developing employees takes time and effort, but is worth it in the long run. It can help your organization in many ways, including reducing recruitment costs. When employees feel that their organization is investing in them, they are more likely to be satisfied with their job. Creating a development system within your organization will help develop top-tier employees. For more information on how to start developing employees, call one of our recruiters today!

Posted by Exact Staff

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