Driving Team Productivity Starts with the Right Software

Do more. Do it faster. And accomplish it all with fewer resources.

Like it or not, this is the business credo of our post-recession economy. And the pressure is taking its toll. Everywhere you look, teams’ limits are being pushed – leading to burnout, turnover, critical mistakes and internal discord. Instead of functioning as high-performing units, strained teams are falling apart at the seams.

Around the world, software developers are taking note – and taking the productivity bull by the horns. In recent years, cloud-based apps and powerful project management software have been developed specifically to support your teams’ changing needs and super-charge their productivity.

Are you taking advantage of the right tools? Indiscriminate use of software applications won’t yield the productivity improvement you seek; in fact, it may have the opposite effect. Instead of coordinating efforts and maximizing team resources, the wrong software can increase communication channels and unnecessarily complicate tasks.

As a manager, it’s your responsibility to help your employees work smarter, not harder. The right software can smooth operations, facilitate teamwork and improve effectiveness. Here’s how to choose the best options for your business:

  • Understand your current needs. Study your environment and work processes, taking into account the hardware and software you already use. Make a list of the biggest challenges your teams currently face (e.g., process bottlenecks; work that’s still accomplished manually or on paper; business intelligence gaps; work coordination impediments; etc.), as well as the goals they need to meet, to determine where software could be of benefit.
  • Analyze your future needs. Beyond considering what your business needs now, you must also predict what it will require one to five years down the road. To choose the right software, you must factor in its ability to evolve with your teams’ changing needs.
  • Investigate your options. The range of choices available today is truly dizzying. Here are a few factors to consider when evaluating your software options:
    • SaaS solutions. Web-based software is popular among small businesses looking for greater efficiency and mobile access. How and where will people use the software?
    • Hosted, on-site enterprise solutions. These typically come with a higher price tag, but they offer greater security and customization. Consider where and how your data should be housed, as well as how much tailoring you will require for a platform to be effective.
    • Features. What basic and advanced features does your team need?
    • Compatibility. How well will the software integrate with your existing systems? Will it reduce or eliminate the need for other software and/or communication channels?
    • Cost. How much money do you have to spend? Would a higher initial investment yield greater long-term benefits?
  • Adequately evaluate a number of vendors. Due diligence ensures you will choose a partner who’s invested in your success and has the resources to deliver on its promises.

Looking to improve the effectiveness of your work teams?

Exact Staff is here to support you. Providing a full complement of staffing and placement services, we can help your teams accomplish more:

  • Offload low-priority and administrative activities to free up more time for key priorities.
  • Supplement your core teams with temporary and contract staff, flexing your workforce to respond to changing demands.
  • Prevent burnout and overwork, both of which can undermine team productivity.

Posted by Exact Staff

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